Extrasolar Planets

Why Exoplanet-Hunting Is ‘Like Seeing A Flea In A Lightbulb’

Exoplanets are really tiny compared to their host star, and it's hard to imagine sometimes how astronomers can even find…

11 years ago

This Exoplanet Is Turning Planetary Formation Scenarios Upside Down

What the heck is that giant exoplanet doing so far away from its star? Astronomers are still trying to figure…

11 years ago

How Do We Learn About An Alien Planet’s Size And Atmosphere?

The fun and challenge of exoplanet science is the planets are so far away and so tiny. Figuring out what…

11 years ago

Kepler May Go Planet-Hunting Again! Infographic Shows How That Would Work

The planet-seeking Kepler space telescope had to stop its primary mission this summer after the failure of a second of…

11 years ago

Second Planetary System Like Ours Discovered

A team of European astronomers has discovered a second planetary system, the closest parallel to our own solar system yet…

11 years ago

Here’s the Latest Kepler Orrery Video: the Orbits of the Planets Go ‘Round and ‘Round

If you've ever wanted to know what 3,538 exoplanets look like spinning around their stars, here you go! This is…

11 years ago

22% of Sun-like Stars have Earth-sized Planets in the Habitable Zone

How common are planets like Earth? That’s been a question astronomers and dreamers have pondered for decades, and now, thanks…

11 years ago

Rocky Earth-sized World is a ‘Sungrazing’ Exoplanet

A newly verified planet found in data from the Kepler mission delivers on the space telescope’s task of finding Earth-size…

11 years ago

Changing the Paradigm: Exoplanet Interview with Dr. Sara Seager

Astronomers have now discovered one thousand extrasolar planets, reaching a milestone in modern astronomy. (See a recent Universe Today article…

11 years ago

There Are Now Officially Over 1,000 Confirmed Exoplanets!

It was just last week that we reported on the oh-so-close approach to 1,000 confirmed exoplanets discovered thus far, and…

11 years ago