Extrasolar Planets

Using the Theory of Relativity and BEER to Find Exoplanets

A new method of detecting alien worlds is full of awesome, as it combines Einstein’s Theory of Relativity along with…

11 years ago

Hubble Observes Planet-“Polluted” Dead Stars In Hyades

For those of us who practice amateur astronomy, we're very familiar with the 150 light-year distant Hyades star cluster -…

11 years ago

Watch Live Hangout: TESS and the Search for Exoplanets

Last month, NASA announced plans to launch the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in 2017. This is a satellite that…

11 years ago

How Do You Measure A Planet Near A Tiny Star?

When you sit back and think about how far away exoplanets are -- and how faint -- it's a scientific…

11 years ago

Habitable Worlds? New Kepler Planetary Systems in Images

The Kepler mission has discovered two new planetary systems that include three super-Earth-size planets in the "habitable zone," the range…

11 years ago

Kepler Team Finds System with Two Potentially Habitable Planets

This might be the most exciting exoplanet news yet. An international team of scientists analyzing data from NASA's Kepler mission…

11 years ago

The Exoplanet Naming Debate Heats Up

Following last Friday’s press release from the International Astronomical Union (IAU) concerning the naming of extrasolar planets, a heated debate…

11 years ago

IAU Issues Response To Uwingu’s Exoplanet Naming Campaign

Given the popularity of the recent contest by Uwingu to suggest names for the closest known exoplanet to Earth (officially…

11 years ago

New Exoplanet-Hunting Mission to launch in 2017

Move over Kepler. NASA has recently green-lighted two new missions as part of its Astrophysics Explorer Program. These come as…

11 years ago

Astronomers Watch as a Black Hole Eats a Rogue Planet

In Star Wars, the Millennium Falcon narrowly escaped being devoured by an exogorth (space slug) slumbering inside an asteroid crater.…

11 years ago