Extrasolar Planets

Smallest Exoplanet Yet Discovered by ‘Listening’ to a Sun-like Star

Scientists have discovered a new planet orbiting a Sun-like star, and the exoplanet is the smallest yet found in data…

12 years ago

Narrowing Down the Hunt for Giant Exoplanets

Despite advances in exoplanet research over the past decade much remains unknown. For example, how do the detection rates of giant…

12 years ago

Less Than 1% of Exoplanet Systems Have Intelligent Life, Researchers Say

Recent findings say that Earth-like exoplanets could be all around us in our cosmic neighborhood. But how many would be…

12 years ago

Earthlike Exoplanets Are All Around Us

Artist's impression of a rocky planet orbiting a red dwarf. Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA) We may literally be surrounded by…

12 years ago

Kepler Spacecraft Back in Action After Reaction Wheel Problem

There has been some concern about the Kepler spacecraft after one of the devices that provide the ability for super-precise…

12 years ago

A Moon With Two Suns: Making Art from Science

A view of Kepler 47c and binary stars. ©Digital Drew. All rights reserved. What would it look like on a…

12 years ago

Exciting Potential for Habitable ExoMoons

Imagine moons like Europa or Enceladus that are orbiting distant gas giant exoplanets located in the habitable zone of their…

12 years ago

Kepler Finds Hundreds of New Exoplanet Candidates

Artist's depiction of the Kepler 10 system, which contains planets 2.2 and 1.4 times the size of Earth. (NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech) Kepler…

12 years ago

Nearly All Sun-Like Stars Have Planetary Systems

The latest analysis of data from the Kepler planet-hunting spacecraft reveals that almost all stars have planets, and about 17…

12 years ago

Five Planets Around Nearby Star Tau Ceti; One in Habitable Zone

The location of Tau Ceti in the night sky. Credit: University of Hertfordshire Look up in the sky tonight towards…

12 years ago