Extrasolar Planets

Other Solar Systems Might Be More Habitable Than Ours

This artist's impression shows the planetary system around the sun-like star HD 10180. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada Our Earth feels like…

12 years ago

Brown Dwarfs Might Host Planets Too

This image shows the brown dwarf ISO-Oph 102, or Rho-Oph 102, in the Rho Ophiuchi star-forming region. Its position is…

12 years ago

Astronomers Directly Image Distant Exoplanet

False color, near infrared image of the Kappa Andromedae system, by the Subaru Telescope. Almost all of the light of…

12 years ago

New Rogue Planet Found, Closest to our Solar System

This artist’s impression shows the free-floating planet CFBDSIR J214947.2-040308.9. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada/P. Delorme/Nick Risinger/R. Saito/VVV Consortium Rogue planets – also…

12 years ago

Here There Be Planets: Stellar Disk Gap May Reveal Newborn Worlds

HiCIAO near-infrared image of the protoplanetary disk around PDS 70. The circular mask hides the star itself, as well as…

12 years ago

Astronomers Find Tantalizing Hints of a Potentially Habitable Exoplanet

Dwarf star HD 40307 is now thought to host at least 6 exoplanet candidates... one of them well within its…

12 years ago

Want to Name an Exoplanet? Uwingu Has a Plan

Screenshot from the Uwingu exoplanet naming website. Astronomers have now discovered nearly 1,000 planets orbiting other stars, and right now…

12 years ago

On Again, Off Again Exoplanet Fomalhaut b is Back from the Dead

This visible-light image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows the vicinity of the star Fomalhaut, including the location of its…

12 years ago

Cheops – A Little Satellite with Big Ideas

Caption: Artist impression of Cheops. Credit: University of Bern Big isn't always better. This is certainly true at ESA's new…

12 years ago

Next Door Neighbors? Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in Nearest Star System to Us

Artist’s impression of the planet around Alpha Centauri B. Credit: ESO Astronomers have discovered an enticing new planet that could…

12 years ago