Extrasolar Planets

New Evidence For Fomalhaut Planets

[/caption] The planetary system of the star Fomalhaut has been one of intense debate over the past few years. In…

12 years ago

Frantic Comet Massacre Taking Place at Fomalhaut

[/caption] There may be some frantic activity going on in the narrow, dusty disk surrounding a nearby star named Fomalhaut.…

12 years ago

How Would Humans Respond to First Contact from an Alien World?

[/caption] According to Star Trek lore, it is only 51 years until humans encounter their first contact with an alien…

12 years ago

Kepler Mission Extended to 2016

[/caption] With NASA’s tight budget, there were concerns that some of the agency’s most successful astrophysics missions might not be…

12 years ago

“Tidal Venuses” May Have Been Wrung Out To Dry

[/caption] Earth-sized exoplanets within a distant star's habitable zone could still be very much uninhabitable, depending on potential tidal stresses…

12 years ago

Astronomers Discover Ancient Planetary System

[/caption] From a press release from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy: A group of European astronomers has discovered an…

12 years ago

Billions of Habitable Worlds Likely in the Milky Way

[/caption] Could there be ‘tens of billions’ of habitable worlds in our own galaxy? That’s the results from a new…

12 years ago

Can “Warp Speed” Planets Zoom Through Interstellar Space?

[/caption]Nearly ten years ago, astronomers were stunned to discover a star that had been apparently flung from its own system…

12 years ago

The Latest Exoplanet News from Kepler

We love exoplanets! And the Kepler mission is giving us more to love. Our special guest on our latest live…

13 years ago

Excellent Exoplanet Visualization: The Kepler Orrery II

About a year ago, Daniel Fabrycky from the Kepler spacecraft science team put together a terrific orrery-type visualization of all…

13 years ago