Extrasolar Planets

Casting Swords into Space Observatories

[/caption] Editor’s note – Bruce Dorminey is a science journalist and author of Distant Wanderers: The Search for Planets beyond…

13 years ago

How Well Can Astronomers Study Exoplanet Atmospheres?

[/caption] Exoplanet discoveries are happening at a frenetic pace, and some of the latest newly discovered worlds are sometimes described…

13 years ago

11 New Planetary Systems… 26 New Planets… Kepler Racks ‘Em Up!

[/caption] Eleven ball in the side pocket. Whack! And another 26 planets are discovered! NASA just announced the latest tally…

13 years ago

New Research Suggests Fomalhaut b May Not Be a Planet After All

[/caption] When the Hubble Space Telescope photographed the apparent exoplanet Fomalhaut b in 2008, it was regarded as the first…

13 years ago

British TV Audience Discovers Potential New Planet

[/caption] A public “mass participation” push initiated on a UK television program to find planets beyond our Solar System has…

13 years ago

Goldilocks Moons

[/caption] The search for extraterrestrial life outside our Solar System is currently focused on extrasolar planets within the 'habitable zones'…

13 years ago

Astronomers Find Saturn’s Possible Cosmic Doppelgänger

[/caption] By analyzing the silhouette of an exoplanet passing in front of its parent star some 420 light years from…

13 years ago

Tatooine the Sequel: Kepler Finds Two More Exoplanets Orbiting Binary Stars

[/caption] For exoplanet fans, this week has been an exciting one, with some amazing new discoveries being announced at the American…

13 years ago

Scientists Find Trio of Tiny Exoplanets

[/caption] NASA’s Kepler mission has detected no shortage of planets; more than a thousand candidates were discovered in 2011, a…

13 years ago

Microlensing Study Says Every Star in the Milky Way has Planets

[/caption] How common are planets in the Milky Way? A new study using gravitational microlensing suggests that every star in…

13 years ago