Extrasolar Planets

Exomoons Could Be Excellent Incubators

[/caption] With the arrival of the Cassini–Huygens mission in 2004 to Saturn's satellite Titan, we terrestrials became acutely aware that…

13 years ago

Rocky, Low-Mass Planet Discovered by Microlensing

[/caption]   In planet hunting today, there seems to be one burning question that nearly every new article published touches…

13 years ago

New Planetary System Has South African Astronomers Doing A Double Take

[/caption] Double your pleasure... Double your fun... Double twin planets found orbiting a double sun! Are you ready for the…

13 years ago

Exoplanet Kepler-7b Unexpectedly Reflective

[/caption]   Early on in the hunt for extra solar planets, the main method for discovering planets was the radial…

13 years ago

Multi-Planet Systems Common in Kepler Findings

  [/caption] Of the 1235 planetary candidates that NASA's Kepler space telescope has found so far, 408 reside in multiple-planet…

13 years ago

A New “Spin” On Stellar Age

[/caption] It might not be polite to ask a lady her true age, but when it comes to stars it's…

13 years ago

Want to Make Planets? Better Hurry.

[/caption] Currently, astronomers have two competing models for planetary formation. In one, the planets form in a single, monolithic collapse.…

13 years ago

Kepler Team Announces New Rocky Planet

  [/caption] Today at the American Astronomical Society conference in Boston, the Kepler team announced the confirmation of a new…

13 years ago

Lone Planets “More Common Than Stars”

[/caption] We happen to live in a solar system where everything seems to be tucked neatly in place. Sun, planets,…

13 years ago

The Flip Side of Exoplanet Orbits

[/caption] It was once thought that our planet was part of a "typical" solar system. Inner rocky worlds, outlying gas…

13 years ago