Extrasolar Planets

Astronomy Without A Telescope – Planet Spotting

[/caption] The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia counted 548 confirmed extrasolar planets at 6 May 2011, while the NASA Star and Exoplanet…

13 years ago

Update on Gliese 581d’s Habitability

[/caption] When last we checked in on Gliese 581d, a team from the University of Paris had suggested that the…

13 years ago

Transiting Super-Earth Detected Around Naked Eye Star

One of the first known stars to host an extrasolar planet, was that of 55 Cancri. The first planet in…

13 years ago

And Now Exo-magnetospheres

[/caption] New observations of one of the biggest and hottest known exoplanets in the galaxy, WASP 12b, suggest that it…

13 years ago

Astronomy Without A Telescope – Alien Mining

[/caption] Recently, some researchers speculated on what types of observational data from distant planetary systems might indicate the presence of…

13 years ago

Red Suns and Black Trees: Shedding a New Light on Alien Plants

  [/caption] The grass may definitely not be greener on some alien worlds, suggests a new study from the UK.…

13 years ago

Astronomy Without A Telescope – Our Unlikely Solar System

[/caption] Recent modeling of Sun-like stars with planetary systems, found that a system with four rocky planets and four gas…

13 years ago

Amazing Image: Kepler’s Transiting Exoplanets

[/caption] Wow. This remarkable visualization shows every Kepler planetary candidate host star with its transiting companion in silhouette. Jason Rowe…

13 years ago

Kepler Spacecraft Back in Action After Computer Glitch

[/caption] NASA's Kepler spacecraft is back in planet-hunting action after a computer malfunction put it into “safe mode” for 144…

14 years ago

Exoplanet May Have Metal-Rich Atmosphere

[/caption] At first glance, GJ 1214b is just another of the growing number of the super-Earth class of exoplanets. Discovered…

14 years ago