Extrasolar Planets

A Moon Might Have Been Found Orbiting an Exoplanet

A new study by David Kipping and the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler campaign has revealed another exomoon candidate!

3 years ago

Exoplanet Found With a Highly Eccentric Orbit

Observations made by an international team of researchers has found a mini-Neptune with the most eccentric orbit of any planet…

3 years ago

Astronomers Find 70 Planets Without Stars Floating Free in the Milky Way

A international team of astronomers, using observatories all over the world (and one in space), discovered 70 new rogue planets…

3 years ago

Would Mars be More Habitable if it Orbited a Red Dwarf?

A NASA-supported study by an international multi-disciplinary team has shown what Mars would be like if it orbited a red…

3 years ago

Maybe There’s No Way to Tell if Habitable Planets Orbit Proxima Centauri… Yet!

In a new study, a team of astronomers come to the conclusion that Proxima b will ever be detected making…

3 years ago

Astronomers Measure the Atmosphere on a Planet Hundreds of Light-Years Away

In a recent study, an international team of astronomers directly measured the atmospheric composition of a hot Jupiter hundreds of…

3 years ago

Rocky Planets Might Need to be the Right age to Support Life

In a new study, a team of Earth scientists shows how scientists could look for signs of a carbon-silicate cycle…

3 years ago

A Technique to Find Oceans on Other Worlds

A new study shows how next-generation observatories could directly observe oceans on exoplanets, which could narrow the search for extraterrestrial…

3 years ago

Astronomers Look at Super-Earths That had Their Atmospheres Stripped Away by Their Stars

A new study examines two rocky exoplanets (TOI-1634b and TOI-1685b) that appear to have been stripped of their atmospheres.

3 years ago

Astronomers Detect Clouds on an Exoplanet, and Even Measure Their Altitude

An international research team shows how combining data from multiple observatories allowed them to detect clouds in the atmosphere of…

3 years ago