Extrasolar Planets

Earth, Barely Habitable?

Our home planet has been often described in glowing, nurturing terms. A cradle for life, right in the goldilocks zone.…

17 years ago

Studying Planets With Sunglasses

While finding a planet orbiting another star is incredibly exciting, it's almost becoming commonplace. The current exoplanet count is up…

17 years ago

ET Would Know There’s Life on Earth

It seems impossible to believe, but astronomers are now making plans to reach for the brass ring of planet hunting:…

17 years ago

More Evidence that Gliese 581 Has Planets in the Habitable Zone

The discovery of Gliese 581 was one of the most exciting moments in extrasolar planetary researcher. Astronomers found an Earth-massed…

17 years ago

What Does it Take to Destroy a Gas Giant?

To destroy a terrestrial planet, you need the Death Star. But what will you do if you want to take…

17 years ago

Atmosphere of an Extrasolar Planet Measured

Good timing. Just as Nick was mentioning how astronomers might be able to detect vegetation on extrasolar planets, we get…

17 years ago

Could We Detect Plants on other Planets?

We've already found over 250 extrasolar planets, and more are continuing to be discovered fairly often. With all of these…

17 years ago

Planets Found Forming in the Pleiades Star Cluster

As you gaze up at the familiar Pleiades star cluster, here's something new you can think about. Planets recently collided…

17 years ago

Fifth Planet Found Orbiting 55 Cancri

Our Solar System has 8 planets, but another, 55 Cancri, is catching up fast. Astronomers today announced the discovery of…

17 years ago

Three New Jupiter-Sized Planets Discovered

You know the science of planet hunting is getting mainstream when there's very little fanfare for the discovery of 3…

17 years ago