Could Electrical Sprites Hold the Key to Extraterrestrial Life?

Full color image of a red lightning sprite.



In 1989, meteorologists discovered sprites. Not the spirits, elves, or pixies that pepper Shakespearean comedies but their equally elusive electrical namesakes. Lightning sprites are large scale electrical discharges inside the clouds above storms that make the upper atmosphere glow, sort of like a fluorescent lightbulb.

Meteorologists have already determined that sprites likely aren’t unique to Earth. In fact, this elusive form of lightning might be common throughout the solar system. Now, researchers at Tel Aviv University are asking whether the presence of sprites on other planets could indicate the presence of organic material in their atmospheres.  

The layers of our atmosphere. Image credit: National Weather Service, JetStream Online School for Weather.

Though not an uncommon phenomena, sprites are incredibly hard to find and observe. They can only be captured with highly sensitive high speed cameras. Sprites occur in the Earth’s Mesosphere, layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere – about 50 km (31 miles) to 90 km (56 miles) high. At this altitude, the gases that make up our atmosphere are much thinner and unable to hold heat from the Sun making the average temperature a chilly 5°F (-15°C) to as low as -184°F (-120°C).

But gases at this altitude are still thick enough to slow meteors – this is where they burn up and create what we see as meteor showers. Gases in the mesosphere are also thick enough to light up with sprites, providing a window into the composition of our atmosphere. Sprites, which glow reddish-orange, indicate the kinds of molecules present in this layer of the atmosphere.

Lightning isn’t a rare occurrence in our solar system, which leads researchers to suspect sprites might be found on Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus – all planets with the right environment for strong electrical storms. Just like on Earth, sprites found on these planets could open a window in their atmospheric composition, conductivity, and possibly point to the presence of exotic compounds.

Jupiter and Saturn present the most exciting environments. Both gas giants experience lightening storms with flashes more than 1,000 as powerful as those found on Earth. It’s on these planets that Ph.D. student Daria Dubrovin, with her supervisors Prof. Colin Price of Tel Aviv University’s Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences and Prof. Yoav Yair at the Open University of Israel, is focussing on.

Dubrovin has re-created these planetary atmospheres in a lab to study the presence of sprites in space. Or, as she describes her work, “We make sprites in a bottle.” She hopes this will provide a new understanding of electrical and chemical processes on other planets.

A sprite as it might appear in Saturn's atmosphere, created in a TAU lab. Image credit: American Friends, Tel Aviv University

What’s more, understanding lightning on other worlds could help researchers understand the possibility of life on other worlds. As Dubrovin points out, lightning is commonly accepted as the generator of organic molecules that turned early Earth’s ocean into the life-filled primordial soup. Increased study of lightning on other planets could give another clue into the presence of extraterrestrial life. Their research could easily be applied to exoplanets, not just bodies in our solar system.

A lightning storm on Saturn has Dubrovin pretty excited. It’s currently producing over 100 electrical flashes per second, a rare occurrence even within the planet’s volatile cloud layers. If researchers could successfully gather images of higher altitude sprites from the Cassini spacecraft (currently in orbit around Saturn), it would not only yield information on the storm below but also add to the general knowledge base of sprites and lightning on other planets.

Video of Sprites from the University of Alaska

Source: Tel Aviv University

Goldilocks And The Habitable Zone – The Increased Place In Space

Artist's impression of a planet orbiting red dwarf GJ1214.


It’s referred to as the “Goldilock’s Zone”, but this area in space isn’t meant for sleepy or hungry bears – it’s the relative area in which life can evolve and sustain. This habitable region has some fairly strict parameters, such as certain star types and rigid distance limits, but new research shows it could be considerably larger than estimated.

In a study done by Manoj Joshi and Robert Haberle, the team considered the relationship which occurs between the radiation for red dwarf stars and a possible planet’s reflective qualities. Known as albedo, this ability to “bounce back” light waves has a great deal to do with surface layers, such as ice and snow. Unlike our G-type Sun, the M-class red dwarf is much cooler and produces energy at longer wavelengths. This means a great deal of the radiation is absorbed – rather than reflected – turning the ice and snow into possible liquid water. And, as we know, water is considered to be a primary requirement for life.

“We knew that red dwarfs emit energy at a different wavelength, and we wanted to find out exactly what that might mean for the albedo of planets orbiting these stars.” explained Dr. Joshi from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, who carried out the research in collaboration with Robert Haberle from the NASA Ames Research Centre.

What makes this theory even more charming is that M-class stars make up a very substantial portion of our galaxy’s total population – meaning there’s even more possible Goldilock’s Zones yet to be discovered. Considering the lifespan of a red dwarf star also increases the chances – as well as the distance a planet would need to be located for these properties to happen.

“M-stars comprise 80% of main-sequence stars, and so their planetary systems provide the best chance for finding habitable planets, i.e.: those with surface liquid water. We have modelled the broadband albedo or reflectivity of water ice and snow for simulated planetary surfaces orbiting two observed red dwarf stars (or M-stars) using spectrally resolved data of the Earth’s cryosphere.” explains Joshi. “In addition, planets with significant ice and snow cover will have significantly higher surface temperatures for a given stellar flux if the spectral variation of cryospheric albedo is considered, which in turn implies that the outer edge of the habitable zone around M-stars may be 10-30% further away from the parent star than previously thought.”

Have we discovered planets around red dwarf stars? The answer is yes. In order to calculate the effects of radiation and albedo, the team chose to use similar M-class stars, Gliese 436 and GJ 1214, and applied it to a simulated planet with an average surface temperature of 200 K. Why that particular temperature? In this circumstance, it’s the temperature at which one bar of carbon-dioxide condenses – a rough indicator of the outer edge of a habitable zone. It is theorized that anything registering below this temperature is too cold to harbor life.

What the team found was high albedo planets register a higher surface temperature when exposed to longer wavelength radiation. This means ice and snow covered planets could exist much further away from a red dwarf parent star – as much as one third more the distance.

“Previous studies haven’t included such detailed calculations of the different albedo effects of ice and snow.” explains Joshi. “But we were a little surprised how big the effect was.”

Original Story Source: Planet Earth OnLine. Further Reading: Suppression of the Water Ice and Snow Albedo Feedback on Planets Orbiting Red Dwarf Stars and the Subsequent Widening of the Habitable Zone.

Exploring the Atmosphere of Exoplanet WASP-14b

Conceptual orbit of WASP 14b system. Credit: SuperWASP team
Conceptual orbit of WASP 14b system. Credit: SuperWASP team


First discovered in 2008, WASP 14b is an interesting exoplanet. It is roughly seven times as massive as Jupiter, but only 30% larger, making it among the densest known exoplanets. Recently, it was the target of observations from the Spitzer space telescope which was able to pick out the infrared radiation emitted by the planet and is giving astronomers new clues to how the atmospheres of Hot Jupiters function, contradicting expectations based on observations of other exoplanet atmospheres.

Images of the system were taken by a team of astronomers led by Jasmina Blecic and Joseph Harrington at the University of Central Florida. The team took images using three filters which allowed them to analyze the light at specific wavelengths. The brightness in each one was then compared to predictions made by models of atmospheres which included molecules such as H2O, CO, CH4, TiO, and VO as well as more typical atmospheric gasses like hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

While not having a large number of filters wouldn’t allow the team to conclusively match a specific model, they were able to confidently rule out some possible characteristics. In particular, the team rules out the presence of a layer of atmosphere that changes sharply in temperature from the regions directly around it, known as a “thermal inversion layer”. This comes as quite a surprise since observations of other hot Jupiters have consistently shown evidence of just such a layer. It was believed that all hot Jupiter type exoplanets should feature them if their atmospheres contained TiO or VO, molecules which filter out visible light. If they were present at a specific altitude, then that sudden layer of absorption would create a sudden shift in the temperature. The lack of this layer supports a 2009 study which suggested that such heavy molecules should settle out of the atmosphere and not be responsible for the thermal inversion layers. But this leaves astronomers with a fresh puzzle: If those molecules don’t cause them, then what does?

The team also found that the planet was brighter than expected when it was near the full phase which suggested that it is not as capable of redistributing its heat as some other exoplanets have been found to be. The team also confirmed that the planet has a notably elliptical orbit, despite being close to the star which should circularize the orbit. The astronomers that originally made the discovery of this planet postulated that this may be due to the presence of another planet which had a recent interaction that placed WASP 14b into its present orbit.

Seeing the Phases of Exoplanets

Phases of Venus. Image credit: ESO


Everyone is familiar with the fact that the moon changes phases. But what many don’t know is that planets also go through phases. Shown above are the phases for Venus. We look inwards on Venus from a more distant vantage point in our solar system, but in principle, planets in other solar systems would also go through phases as they orbited. While we are far too distant to resolve these phases any time soon, the percentage of reflected light may give clues about the size, composition, and atmosphere of a potential planet.

A new study by astronomers at the University of Bordeaux in France, analyzes differences in the way light would be reflected from various exoplanet configurations.

In a previous paper by the same team, they had analyzed how much light planets at different phases should reflect in different wavelengths of light in the infrared. Planets with atmospheres showed significant lack of emission at some wavelengths while rocky planets with no atmosphere reflected most strongly at one wavelength and faded smoothly off. The heavier the atmosphere, the more pronounced this effect was. As such, the team concluded that simply by looking at the reflected light in a few wavelengths, they could quickly determine whether the planet were likely to have an atmosphere.

The new paper adds to this by exploring what the effects of properties such as stellar type, orbital distance, radius of the planet, and inclination would have on these observations. They found that the presence of an atmosphere made determining many of these properties more difficult since it would be able to retain heat and reradiate it different manners instead of simply reflecting.

Rocky, airless planets were simpler and the light curves could be used more directly to determine the radius of the planet with an accuracy of about 10% with an instrument such as the James Webb Space Telescope. The orbital inclination could be narrowed down to within 10°. Currently, the only way astronomers can determine this property is if the planet is in the narrow ranges of inclination that allow it to transit the star, so while observing the phases to determine this property leaves large uncertainties, it is a start at the very least. These observations could also be used to determine the albedo, or reflectivity of the planet. This property could be used to help constrain the possible chemicals on the surface or in the atmosphere.

Forget Exoplanets. Let’s Talk Exomoons

An artist impression of an exomoon orbiting an exoplanet, could the exoplanet's wobble help astronomers? (Andy McLatchie)


It wasn’t that long ago that astronomers began discovering the first planets around other stars. But as the field of exoplanetary astronomy explodes, astronomers have begun looking to the future and considering the possibility of detecting moons around these planets. Surprisingly, the potential for doing so may not be that far off.

Before exploring how we might detect satellites of distant planets, astronomers must first attempt to get an understanding of what they may be looking for. Fortunately, this question ties in well with the rapidly developing understanding of how solar systems form.

In general, there are three mechanisms by which planets may obtain satellites. The simplest is for them to simply form together from a single accretion disk. Another is that a massive impact may knock material off of a planet which forms into a satellite as astronomers believe happened with our own Moon. Some estimates have indicated that such impacts should be frequent and as many as 1 in 12 Earth like planets may have formed moons in this way. Lastly, a satellite may be a captured asteroid or comet as is likely for many of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

Each of these cases produces a different range of masses. Captured bodies are likely to be the smallest and therefor are unlikely to be detectable in the near future. Impact generated moons are expected to only be able to form bodies with 4% of the total mass of the planet and as such, are rather limited as well. The largest moons are thought to form in the disks around forming Jupiter like planets. These are the most likely to be detectable.

The first method by which astronomers may detect such moons is by the changes they would make in the wobble of the star that has been used to detect many extrasolar planets to date. Astronomers have already studied how a pair of binary stars may affect a binary star system may have on a third star it orbits. If the binary star is swapped out for a planet and a moon it turns out that the easiest systems to detect are massive moons that are distant from the planet, but close to the parent star. However, except in extreme cases, the amount of wobble that the pair could induce in the star is so small that it would be swamped by the convective motion of the star’s surface, making detection through this method nearly impossible.

Astronomers have begun detecting large numbers of exoplanets by transits, where the planet causes minor eclipses. Could astronomers also detect the presence of moons this way? In this case, the limit on detection would again be based on the size of the moon. Currently, the Kepler satellite is expected to detect planets similar in mass to Earth. If moons exist around a super-Jovian planet that are also similar in size to Earth, they too should be detected. However, forming moons this large is difficult. The largest moon in the solar system in Ganymede which is 40% of the diameter of Earth, putting it modestly below current detection thresholds, but potentially in reach of future exoplanet missions.

However, direct detection of the eclipses caused by transits isn’t the only way transits could be used to discover exomoons. In the past few years, astronomers have begun using the wobble of other planets on the ones they had already discovered to infer the existence of other planets in the system in the same way the gravitational tug of Neptune on Uranus allowed astronomers to predict Neptune’s existence before it was discovered. A sufficiently massive moon could cause detectable variations in when the transit of the planet would begin and end. Astronomers have already used this technique to place limits on the mass of potential moons around exoplanets HD 209458 and OGLE-TR-113b at 3 and 7 Earth masses respectively.

The first discovered exoplanet was discovered around a pulsar. The tug of this planet caused variation of the regular pulsation of the pulsar’s beat. Pulsars often beat hundreds to thousands of times per second and as such, are extremely sensitive indicators of the presence of planets. The pulsar PSR B1257+12 is known to harbor one planet that is a mere 0.04% the mass of Earth, which is well below the mass threshold of many moons. As such, variations in these systems, caused by moons would be potentially detectable with current technology. Astronomers have already used it to search for moons around the planet orbiting PSR B1620-26 and ruled out moons more than 12% the mass of Jupiter within half an Astronomical Unit (the distance between the Earth and Sun or 93 million miles) of the planet.

The last method by which astronomers have detected planets that could potentially be used for exomoons is direct observation. Since direct imaging of exoplanets has only become realized in the past few years, this option is likely still a ways off, but future missions like the Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph may put it into the realm of possibility. Even if the moon is not fully resolved, the offset of the center of the dot of the pair may be detectable with current instruments.

Overall, if the explosion of knowledge on planetary systems continues, astronomers should be capable of detecting exomoons within the near future. The possibility already exists for some cases, like pulsar planets, but due to their rarity, the statistical likelihood of finding a planet with a sufficiently large moon is low. But as equipment continues to improve, making detection thresholds lower for various methods, the first exomoons should come into view. Undoubtedly, the first ones will be large. This will beg the question of what sorts of surfaces and potentially atmospheres they may have. In turn, this would inspire more questions about what life may exist.

The Detectability of Moons of Extra-Solar Planets – Karen M. Lewis

Looking For the City Lights of Alien Civilizations

Artist's conception of city lights on an alien planet. Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA)


When most people think about the search for alien life, the first thing that usually pops into mind is SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Primarily a search for extraterrestrial radio signals, another more recent facet of SETI is now looking for laser pulses as a conceivable means of communication across interstellar distances. But now, a third option has been presented: looking for sources of artificial light on the surfaces of exoplanets, like the lights of cities on Earth.

According to Avi Loeb at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, “Looking for alien cities would be a long shot, but wouldn’t require extra resources. And if we succeed, it would change our perception of our place in the universe.”

Like the other SETI initiatives, it relies on an assumption that an alien civilization would use technologies that are similar to ours or at least recognizable. That assumption itself has been the subject of contentious debate over the years. If an alien society was thousands or millions of years more advanced than us, would any of its technology even be recognizable to us?

That aside, how easy (or not) would it be to spot the signs of artificial lighting on an alien planet light-years away from us? The suggestion is to look at the changes in light from an exoplanet as it orbits its star. Artificial light would increase in brightness on the dark side of a planet as it orbits the star (as the planet goes through its phases, like our Moon or other planets in our own solar system), becoming more visible than any light that is reflected from the day side.

That type of discovery will require the next generation of telescopes, but today’s telescopes could test the idea, being able to find something similar as far out as the Kuiper Belt in our solar system, where Pluto and thousands of other small icy bodies reside. As noted by Edwin Turner at Princeton University, “It’s very unlikely that there are alien cities on the edge of our solar system, but the principle of science is to find a method to check. Before Galileo, it was conventional wisdom that heavier objects fall faster than light objects, but he tested the belief and found they actually fall at the same rate.”

The paper has been submitted to the journal Astrobiology and is available here.

Kepler Space Telescope Mission Extension Proposal

Artist's conception of the Kepler 16 system, where the planet Kepler 16-b orbits two stars, much like Tatooine from Star Wars. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt


Some potentially good news for exoplanet fans, and Kepler fans in particular – Kepler scientists are asking for a mission extension and seem reasonably confident they will get it. Otherwise, funding is due to run out in November of 2012. It is crucial that Kepler receive renewed funding in order to continue its already incredibly successful search for planets orbiting other stars. Its primary goal — and the holy grail of exoplanet research — is finding worlds that are about the size of Earth, orbiting in the “habitable zone” of stars that are similar to our Sun, where temperatures could allow liquid water on their surfaces.

But finding those ideal smaller planets requires several years of observations, in order for Kepler to confirm a repeated orbit as a planet transits its star. The larger the orbit, the longer the observation time needed to view multilple transits. Most of the planetary candidates found already orbit much closer to their stars, hence taking less time to complete an orbit, and can more easily be detected within the first few years of the mission.

Kepler has already obtained very compelling data on a wide variety of planets since it was launched in 2009, with 1,235 candidates found so far (about 25 of which have been confirmed to date), but further refining of the data will take more time; a few more years would do just fine. The exciting trend has been that smaller, rocky planets appear to be much more common than gas giants; good news for those hoping to finds worlds similar to Earth that could be habitable (or, of course, inhabited!).

It is estimated it would cost about $20 million per year to keep Kepler functioning past 2012, which doesn’t sound too bad considering that about $600 million has already been invested in the mission. NASA’s budget, like everyone else’s, is tight though these days, so it isn’t a done deal yet.

The proposal will be submitted in January, with an answer expected by next April or May.

Young Star Discovered That Has Spiral Arms

Two spiral arms emerge from the gas-rich disk around SAO 206462, a young star in the constellation Lupus. This image, acquired by the Subaru Telescope and its HiCIAO instrument, is the first to show spiral arms in a circumstellar disk. The disk itself is some 14 billion miles across, or about twice the size of Pluto's orbit in our own solar system. (Credit: NAOJ/Subaru)

Astronomers have known for some time that a star named SAO 206462 has a disk surrounding it, and have studied it with all available techniques including with Hubble chronographic imagery. But new high contrast observations with the Subaru Telescope has shown a surprising double-spiral feature in the disk, which may point to planets in the act of forming. Spiral waves are propagating through the disk, which astronomers think come from objects creating perturbations. Carol Grady, an astronomer based at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center said disks are the birthplace of planets, and astronomers know there should be a perturbation in the disk pointing to where a planet is located. “We thought we might find a wide gap, instead we were surprised to find a double spiral feature around the star in addition to the outer disk.”


The view was made possible by the High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics, or (HiCIAO), which is designed to block out harsh direct starlight.

This new video, above, from Science@NASA provides more information, but in a teleconference from the Signposts of Planets meeting in October, Grady said all indications from their observation and from models is that are there are two large planets in this disk.

“The interesting part is when you form Jovian mass planets, they open gaps and channel materiel towards themselves,” she said. “We found two arms with a different pitch, so we think there are two planets.”

The planets have not yet been detected because the disk is extremely bright and planets might be at young ages. But Grady said astronomers should be able to follow the object over time, and as imaging techniques improve, they hope to one day take direct images of the planets.

“These spiral features are like a flashing neon sign that says look here for the good stuff!” Grady said.

See this NASA article for more information.

Three New Planets and a Mystery Object Found Orbiting Dying Stars

A planet about to be consumed by its expanding red giant star. Credit: Mark Garlik/HELAS


Some interesting new additions to the exoplanet family were announced last week by astronomers from Penn State University. While finding exoplanets these days may be considered “just another day at the office,” astronomers discovered three unique planets and an additional “mystery” object. What’s unique about these planets is the fact that the stars they orbit are all old and dying – red giant stars which have swollen up as they near the end of their lives, which ordinarily would consume any unlucky planets which may be too close to escape…

The three stars are HD 240237, BD +48 738, and HD 96127; the second one also has the mystery object orbiting it, which may be another planet, a low-mass star or a brown dwarf — something whose mass is in between that of a smaller, cooler star and a giant planet.

“We will continue to watch this strange object and, in a few more years, we hope to be able to reveal its identity,” said team leader, Alex Wolszczan.

Wolszczan was the first astronomer to discover exoplanets, three small planets orbiting a pulsar (neutron star) in 1992.

It is expected that our own Sun will also become a red giant star in another five billion years or so. Not a good thing for us obviously, but still a long ways off thankfully, since at that time, all of the inner planets of the solar system will probably be consumed by the expanding Sun.

The subject of planets orbiting dying stars will also be the focus of an upcoming conference, Planets Around Stellar Remnants, in Puerto Rico next January. It is organized by Penn State’s Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, and will take place exactly 20 years since Wolszczan made his discovery.

Interesting, since by far most of the exoplanets found so far orbit “normal” stars, like our Sun, which are still in mid-life or younger. But now, they’ve been observed around stars at all different stages of evolution, from the youngest stars, even those still with protoplanetary disks, to the oldest, stars which have already died and burned out, like pulsars. What this seems to indicate is that planets are a normal part of star formation, from beginning to end. The numbers now being found by astronomers, in the thousands and likely millions or billions, also suggest this; a big change from just a few decades ago when it was unknown if there were any other solar systems out there at all. There are, a lot of them.

Source: Penn State University

“Baby” Planet Caught in the Act of Forming

The left image shows the transitional disk around the star LkCa 15. All of the light at this wavelength is emitted by cold dust in the disk. The hole in the centre indicates an inner gap with a radius of around 55 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun. The right image is an expanded view of the central part of the cleared region, illustrating a composite of two reconstructed images (blue: 2.1 micrometres, from November 2010; red: 3.7 micrometres) for LkCa 15. The location of the central star is also marked. Image: Kraus & Ireland 2011.


Astronomers have taken a step closer to finding out how planetary systems form with the discovery of the ‘youngest’ planet ever found. LkCa 15 b is so young, it is still in the act of forming. This is the first direct image of a planet in the process of forming, and data indicates the planet is still being pieced together by gas and dust falling into its clutches from a cooler envelope that surrounds it.

The hot protoplanet orbits a star which possesses a mass comparable to our Sun, and is the youngest planetary system ever to be identified, with LkCa 15 aged at 2 million years, “We really have the age of the star and not the planet,” said Michael Ireland, a lecturer in astrophotonics at the Australian Astronomical Observatory. “The age of the star was determined by a great many people studying the gravitational contraction of both LkCa 15 and all of the other stars in the Taurus star forming region, which formed at nearly the same time.”

The observations were made by astronomers from the University of Hawaii and the Australian Astronomical Observatory using the keen eyesight of the twin 10-metre Keck telescopes located on the summit of Hawaii’s dormant Mauna Kea volcano.

For decades, astronomers have been aware that many young stars that pepper the Universe are shrouded by clouds of gas and dust. And since this realization they have enlisted the help of powerful infrared space observatories such as NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope to peer into dusty cosmic regions that are hidden from optical telescopes.

Until now scientists had not been lucky enough to capture observations of new planets forming around these young stars, but thanks to the trickery of adaptive optics combined with ‘aperture mask interferometry’ that allows astronomers to resolve discs of dust around stars without the hindrance of dazzling starlight, imaging LkCa 15 b became possible. “It’s like we have an array of small mirrors,” said Adam Kraus of the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy. “We can manipulate the light and cancel out distortions.”

The location of LkCa 15 can be found using the above chart. Image: Adam Kraus/IAU/Sky & Telescope.

The astronomers have made the clever technique operable since 2008, which allowed them to search for gaps between stars and their protoplanetary dust discs where they figured planets are most likely to be lurking. In 2009 they were rewarded for their efforts as LkCa 15 b presented itself hugging its star, still bright from the energy of its formation. “LkCa 15 was only our second target and we immediately knew we were seeing something new,” said Kraus. “We could see a faint point source near the star, so thinking it might be a Jupiter-like planet we went back a year later to get more data.”

This hot, young world provides a view of the hellish birth of nascent planets.

“The protoplanet is heated up by its gravitational contraction energy,” said Ireland. “Gravitational potential energy is enough to make a truck’s brakes really hot when it goes down a mountain too fast. The potential energy of an entire planet being dropped onto itself is enough to make it glow red hot for millions of years. The planet is more than 1000 degrees Celsius – measuring its temperature more accurately is one of our goals next year. The dust and gas is mostly heated by the radiation field of the star and planet, and in equilibrium, reaches a temperature of less than 100 kelvins [-170 degrees Celsius].”

However, as the young planet pulls in more gas and dust onto itself, the astronomers can only guess as to how big this distant world could get. “The large outer disc around LkCa 15 still has about 55 Jupiter masses of material left in it,” said Ireland. “It is very difficult to estimate just how much of this material could end up on LkCa 15 b. If the orbit is nearly circular, and there is only one planet, then I believe that only a very small fraction of this matter could end up as part of LkCa 15 b. If I had to guess, I’d say around 10 times the mass of Jupiter for a final mass, with a little orbital migration to a closer orbit. However, we’ll get a better idea on this over the coming years with new theoretical models and after we see more of the orbit of the planet.”

The team’s paper can be found here.

An artist's impression of LkCa 15 b orbiting its star. Image: Karen L. Teramura, UH IfA.