Another extrasolar planet has been found, this time a Neptune-sized world orbiting a star 120 light-years from Earth. It was found by a network of automated telescopes set up to search for other worlds, known as “HATNet,” which is operated by the Center in Arizona and Hawaii. This latest extrasolar world, called HAT-P-11b is the 11th planet found by HATNet, and the smallest yet discovered by any projects that are searching using the transit method. As a planet passes directly in front of (transits) its parent star, it blocks a small amount of light coming from the star. In this case, the planet blocked about 0.4 percent of the star’s light. This discovery puts the current extrasolar count at 335.
Transit detections are particularly useful because the amount of dimming tells the astronomers how big the planet must be. By combining transit data with measurements of the star’s “wobble” (radial velocity) made by large telescopes like Keck, astronomers can determine the mass of the planet.
While Neptune has a diameter 3.8 times that of Earth and a mass 17 times Earth’s, HAT-P-11b is 4.7 times the size of Earth and has 25 Earth masses.
A number of Neptune-like planets have been found recently by radial velocity searches, but HAT-P-11b is only the second Neptune-like planet found to transit its star, thus permitting the precise determination of its mass and radius.
The new-found world orbits very close to its star, revolving once every 4.88 days. As a result, it is baked to a temperature of around 1100 degrees F. The star itself is about three-fourths the size of our Sun and somewhat cooler.
There are signs of a second planet in the HAT-P-11 system, but more radial velocity data are needed to confirm that and determine its properties.
Another team has located one other transiting super-Neptune, known as GJ436b, around a different star. It was discovered by a radial velocity search and later found to have transits.
“Having two such objects to compare helps astronomers to test theories of planetary structure and formation,” said Harvard astronomer Gaspar Bakos, who led the discovery team.
HAT-P-11 is in the constellation Cygnus, which puts in it the field of view of NASA’s upcoming Kepler spacecraft. Kepler will search for extrasolar planets using the same transit technique pioneered by ground-based telescopes. This mission potentially could detect the first Earth-like world orbiting a distant star. “In addition, however, we expect Kepler to measure the detailed properties of HAT-P-11 with the extraordinary precision possible only from space,” said Robert Noyes, another member of the discovery team.
Two of the hottest and most engaging topics in space and astronomy these days are 1.) exoplanets – planets orbiting other stars – and 2.) dark matter—that unknown stuff that seemingly makes up a considerable portion of our universe. There’s a spacecraft currently in development that could help answer our questions about whether there really are other Earth-like planets out there, as well as provide clues to the nature of dark matter. The spacecraft is called SIM – the Space Interferometry Mission. “We’ll be looking for other Earths around other stars,” said Stephen Edberg, System Scientist for the mission, “and by making accurate mass measurements of galaxies, we should be able to measure dark matter, as well.”
The concept for this mission has been around for awhile, and the concept has changed over time, with the telescope going through different incarnations. Currently, the mission is being called SIM Lite, as the spacecraft itself has gotten smaller, however the mirrors for the interferometer have gotten bigger.
While interferometry at radio wavelengths has been done for over 50 years, optical interferometry has only matured recently. Optical interferometry combines the light of multiple telescopes to perform as a single, much larger telescope. SIM Lite will have two visible-wavelength stellar interferometer sensors – as well as other advanced detectors, that will work together to create an extremely sensitive telescope, orbiting outside of Earth’s atmosphere.
“These are instruments that can measure positions in the sky to almost unbelievable accuracy,” said Edberg. “Envision Buzz Aldrin standing on the moon. Pretend he’s holding a nickel between thumb and forefinger. SIM can measure the thickness of that nickel as seen by someone standing on the surface of the Earth. That is one micro arc second, a very tiny fraction of the sky.” Watch a video depicting this — (Quicktime needed)
Having the ability to make measurements like that with SIM, it will be possible to infer the presence of planets within about 30 light-years from Earth, and those planets can be as small and low mass as Earth. As of now, the SIM team anticipates studying between 65 and 100 stars over a five year mission, looking for Earth analogs, planets roughly the same mass as Earth orbiting their stars in the habitable zone, where liquid water could exist.
So, for example, SIM Lite would be able to detect a habitable planet around the star 40 Eridani A, 16 light-years away, known to fans of the “Star Trek” television series as the location of Mr. Spock’s home planet, Vulcan. See a movie depicting this possible detection — (QuickTime needed).
SIM will not detect a planet directly, but by detecting the motion it causes in the parent star. “That’s a difficult task, there’s no question,” said Edberg, “but it gets complicated, based on what we see with our own solar system and what we’ve seen in other planetary systems. We know there are other systems out there that have more than one planet. Multiple planets can confound the measurements.”
But SIM should be able to detect the different sized planets orbiting other stars. SIM Lite recently passed a double blind study conducted by four separate teams who confirmed that SIM’s technology will allow the detection of Earth-mass planets among multiple-planet systems, by having the ability to measure the mass of different sized planets, to as low as Earth-mass.
“With a few exceptions all the planets we know about were detected using a method called radial velocity,” said Edberg, “where we look at the periodic motion of the star coming toward us and moving away from us on a regular basis. But when you make measurements like that, when you have no other information, you don’t know the orientation of the planets’ orbit with respect to the star, or the mass of either the star or the planet.”
With the hottest stars, radial velocity can’t be used to look for planets. But SIM Lite will be able to look at stars clear across the diagram from the coolest to the hottest stars.
“It’s a big question mark in the other planets we know about now – I believe we know only about 10% of the masses of extrasolar planets,” said Edberg.
A second planet search program, called the “broad survey,” will probe roughly 2,000 stars in our galaxy to determine the prevalence planets the size of Neptune and larger.
SIM will also be used to measure the sizes of stars, as well as distances of stars, and be able to do so several hundred times more accurately than previously possible. SIM Lite will also measure the motion of nearby galaxies, in most cases, for the first time. These measurements will help provide the first total mass measurements of individual galaxies. All of this will enable scientists to estimate the distribution of dark matter in our own galaxy and the universe.
“Dark matter is known for its gravitational affects,” said Edberg. “It doesn’t seem to interact with normal matter as we know it. To get more clues on it, we want to know where it is.”
SIM will measure on two different scales. One is within the Milky Way Galaxy, making measurements of stars and globular clusters, and making measurements of stars that have been torn out of smaller galaxies that orbit the Milky Way.
“We can do mass model of our galaxy and find out where that mass is, including what has to be a lot of dark matter,” said Edberg. “When we make measurements of how our galaxy rotates, you find that it rotates like a solid. Instead of being Keplerian, where you think of Mercury going around the sun faster than Pluto, from all the way inside the galaxy as close as we can measure to the center, out to beyond the sun’s distance, the Milky Way rotates like it’s a solid body. It’s not a solid body, but that means it must have a density that is constant all the way through and that means there is far more matter than we can see.”
“Another thing we’d like to know is the concentration of dark matter in cluster of galaxies,” Edberg continued. “The Milky Way is part of the Local Group of galaxies, and SIM has the capability to measure stars within the individual galaxies, which in turn can be modeled to tell us where the dark matter is within the Local Group. This is cutting edge. This is one of the big mysteries right now in astrophysics and cosmology.”
Extra solar planets and dark energy may seem like two completely different things for one spacecraft to be looking for, but Edberg said this is an example of how everything is tied together.
“To get planet masses we need to know the masses of the parent stars,” he said. “SIM will make measurements of stars, particularly binary stars, and determine the masses of stars for a wide variety of star types, and be able to estimate the sizes of the planets that are causing the reflex motion. To make the measurements, and because stars with planets are going to be scattered around the sky, we need to have a grid of stars that are the fixed points to give us latitude and longitude, so to speak. If you know exactly where St. Louis and Los Angeles are, then it’s much easier to triangulate where things between them are. We need to do this all around the sky, and to do that we tie that down to the stars, and SIM can do that. These are fundamental questions that we don’t know the answers to, but SIM will help us find the answers.”
So, SIM Lite will be searching from within our neighborhood to the edge of the universe.
What’s the status of this future spacecraft?
“We’re on hold right now,” said Edberg. “We recently passed the double blind test to show that SIM can find Earth-like planets in systems that have multiple planets. SIM is also undergoing a decadal review to make the case that the astronomical science community needs to have a mission like SIM to strengthen the foundations enormously.”
Technical work is being done to prepare to build the actual instruments, but due to budgetary reasons, NASA has not set a launch date. “We think we could be ready to launch by 2015 once we get the go-ahead from NASA,” said Edberg, “and the go ahead depends on the decadal review, and the reports should be out in about a year.”
SIM Lite would provide an entirely new measurement capability in astronomy. Its findings would likely stand firmly on their own, while complimenting the capabilities of our current, as well as other planned future space observatories.
For more information about SIM check out the mission website.
In June of 2008, astronomers announced the finding of one of the smallest exoplanets yet around a normal star other than the Sun. The planet – believed to be a rocky exo-world — was found through a microlensing event, and was estimated to be 3.3 times the size of Earth, orbiting a brown dwarf star. But new analysis suggests the star may be larger than first thought, making the planet smaller than the original estimates. Astronomers say the exoplanet, called MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b could weigh just 1.4 Earths – less than half the original estimate. Observations over the next few months should be able to test the prediction.
Most known “exoplanets” are huge gas giants, hundreds of times Earth’s mass, and are discovered by detecting the wobble they induce in their parent stars.
But researchers found the planet and star using the gravitational microlensing technique. This is where two stars line up perfectly from our point of view here on Earth. As the two stars begin to line up, the foreground star acts as a lens to magnify and distort the light from the more distant star. By watching how this brightening happens, astronomers can learn a tremendous amount about the nature of both the foreground and background star.
In this case, there was an additional gravitational distortion from the planet orbiting the foreground star MOA-2007-BLG-192L, which astronomers were able to tease out in their data.
However, analyzing these events takes time, because there are so many variables to take into account, including the sizes of planet and star, their separation, and the distance from Earth.
Initially, the team believed that this host star was a brown dwarf – an object too small to sustain nuclear fusion, as normal stars do. That suggested MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b weighed 3.3 Earths.
But more recent observations suggest the parent star is actually heavier than first thought – a type of star called a red dwarf, team member Jean-Philippe Beaulieu of the Paris Astrophysical Institute reported last week at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society in London.
That suggests the planet weighs just 1.4 Earths. In size terms, that makes it a near twin of our own planet, closer in mass than any known planet except Venus.
“The result is important because this is the lowest-mass planet yet detected, and is extremely close to the mass of the Earth,” said Scott Gaudi of Ohio State University in Columbus. “Obviously, finding a true Earth-mass planet is one of the biggest goals of searches for exoplanets. We are very close to that goal now.”
The team will attempt to get more data on the parent star in April or May using the Very Large Telescope in northern Chile.
If their analysis is confirmed, it is an unclear whether the tiny planet could host any life. Because its host is a very dim red dwarf, the planet is likely to be frozen – even though it orbits at about the same distance as Venus from our Sun.
However, if the planet boasts a thick, insulating hydrogen atmosphere, it could sustain a habitable surface temperature, capable of supporting life of some kind.
For the first time, astronomers have measured light emitted from extrasolar planets around sun-like stars using ground-based telescopes. The observations were obtained simultaneously and independently by two separate teams for two different planets. Incredibly, they were also able to determine properties of the exoplanets’ atmospheres as well. Measuring the light emitted from a planet at different wavelengths reveals the planet’s spectrum, which can be used to determine the planet’s day-side temperature. In addition, this spectrum can reveal many physical processes in the planet’s atmosphere, such as the presence of molecules like water, carbon monoxide and methane, and the redistribution of heat around the planet. “This first direct detection of light emitted by another planet, using existing telescopes on the ground, is a major milestone in the study of planets beyond our own Solar System,” said Professor Gary Davis, Director of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). “This is a very exciting scientific discovery.”
The measurements of the first planet, TrES-3b, were conducted by a team of Astronomers from the University of Leiden, using the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) on La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawai`i. TrES-3b is in a very tight orbit around its host star, TrES-3, transiting the stellar disk once per 31 hours. For comparison, Mercury orbits the sun once every 88 days. TrES-3b is just a little larger than Jupiter, yet orbits around its parent star much closer than Mercury does, making it a “hot jupiter.”
UKIRT observations caught the planet transiting in front of the star, from which the size of the planet has been worked out extremely precisely. The WHT observations also show the moment the planet moves behind the star, and allow the strength of the planet light to be measured. Astronomers have been trying to observe this effect from the ground for many years, and this is the first success.
Ernst de Mooij, leader of the research team, said, “While a few such observations have been conducted previously from space, they involved measurements at long wavelengths, where the contrast in brightness between the planet and the star is much higher. These are not only the first ground-based observations of this kind, they are also the first to be conducted in the near-infrared, at wavelengths of 2 micron for this planet, where it emits most of its radiation.”
The researchers determined the temperature of TrES-3b to be a slightly over 2000 Kelvin. “Since we know how much energy it should receive by the type of its host star, this gives us insights into the thermal structure of the planet’s atmosphere,” added Dr. Ignas Snellen, “which is consistent with the prediction that this planet should have a so-called ‘inversion layer.’ It is absolutely amazing that we can now really probe the properties of such a distant world”.
An atmospheric inversion layer is a layer of air where the normal change of temperature with altitude reverses. Current theory says that there are two types of “hot jupiters,” one with an inversion layer, and one without. One theory is that the presence of an inversion layer would depend on the amount of light the planet receives from its star. If the inversion layer could be confirmed, for example by measurements at other wavelengths, these observations would fit in perfectly with this theory.
A second team has made a ground-based detection of a different extrasolar planet, OGLE-TR-56b,using the Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope. This planet is about 5,000 light-years away, located towards the center of the galaxy. The planet is quite hot; its atmosphere is more than 4,400 degrees Fahrenheit (2,400 degrees Celsius). This is one of the hottest extrasolar planets detected.
The researchers say both landmark observations will open up a new window for studying exoplanets and their atmospheres using ground-based telescopes, and show great promise for using future extremely large telescopes which will have much higher sensitivity than the telescopes used today.
What if another civilization had telescopes and spacecraft better than ours? Would Earth be detectable from another planet a few light-years away? Likewise, what will it take for us to detect life on an Earth-like planet within a similar distance? It’s interesting to consider those questions, and now, there is data to help answer them. In December 1990, when the Galileo spacecraft flew by Earth in its circuitous journey to Jupiter, scientists pointed some of the instruments at Earth just to see how the old home planet looked from space. Since we knew life could definitely be found on Earth, this exercise helped create some criteria that if found elsewhere, would point to the existence of life there as well. But what if Earth’s climate was different from what it is now? Would that signature still be detectable? And could potential biomarkers from extra solar planets holding climates much colder or warmer than ours be obvious? A group of researchers in France input some various criteria garnered from different epochs in Earth’s history to test out this hypothesis. What did they find?
One of the most telling of the criteria from the Galileo flyby revealing life on Earth was what is called the vegetation red edge –a sharp increase in the reflectance of light at a wavelength of around 700 nanometers. This is the result of chlorophyll absorbing visible light but reflecting near infrared strongly. The Galileo probe found strong for this evidence on Earth in 1990.
Luc Arnold and his team at the Saint-Michel-l’Observatoire in France wanted to determine some different parameters where plant life similar to Earth’s would still be detectable via the vegetative red edge on an Earth-like planet orbiting a star several light years away.
At that distance the planet would be a non-resolvable (in visible light) point-like dot, so the first question to consider is whether the red edge would be visible at different angles. The planet is likely to be rotating, and for example, on Earth, the continents that have the most vegetation are mainly in the northern hemisphere. If that hemisphere wasn’t leading the view, would a bio-signature still be detectable? They also wanted to allow for the different seasons, where a hemisphere in winter would be less likely to have vegetative biomarkers than one in summer, and potential heavy cloud cover.
They also input different climate criteria from the last Quaternary climate extremes, using climate simulations have been made by general circulation models. They used data from the present time and compared that to an ice age, The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) which occurred about 21,000 years ago. Temperatures globally were on the order of 4 degrees C colder than today, and ice sheets covered most of the northern hemisphere. Then, they used a warmer time, during the Holocene epoch 6,000 years ago, when the Earth’s northern hemisphere was about 0.5 degrees C warmer than today. The sea level was rising and the Sahara Desert contained more vegetation.
Surprisingly, the researchers found even during winter in an ice age, the vegetation red signal would not be significantly reduced, compared to today’s climate and even the warmer climate.
So if another Earth is out there, the vegetaion red edge should allow us to find that Earth-like planet. But we need better telescopes and spacecraft to find it.
The best hope on the horizon is the Terrestrial Planet Finder. ESA has a similar instrument in the works called Darwin.
The teams behind these instruments say they could spot Earth-like planets orbiting stars at distances of up to 30 light years with an exposure measured in a couple of hours.
Arnold’s team says that spotting the signs of life on such a planet would be much harder. The vegetation red edge might only be seen with an exposure of 18 weeks with a telescope like the Terrestrial Planet Finder’s. An 18 week exposure of a planet orbiting another star would be an almost impossible task.
So when might we eventually see vegetation on another planet? The Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) looks unlikely to be launched before 2025 and even then might not have the power to do the job.
More ambitious telescopes later in the century, such as a formation of 150 3-meter mirrors would collect enough photons in 30 minutes to freeze the rotation of the planet and produce an image with at least 300 pixels of resolution, and up to thousands depending on array geometry. “At this level of spatial resolution, it will be possible to identify clouds, oceans and continents, either barren or perhaps (hopefully) conquered by vegetation,” the researchers write.
In September, it was announced the Chandra X-ray Observatory had spotted something very odd about BD+20 307. The binary system appeared to have a dusty disk surrounding it, indicative of a young, planet-forming system a fraction of the age of the Solar System. However, it was well known that the binary was actually several billion years old. It turns out that this disk was created by a rare planetary event; a cataclysmic planetary collision.
On Wednesday, at the AAS conference in Long Beach, I attended the “Extrasolar Planets” session to listen in on more results from Hubble about the exciting exoplanet discoveries in November… however, for me, the most captivating talk was about the strange, dusty old binary and the future detective work to be carried out to track down a planet killer…
The talks by astrophysicists working with the optical Hubble data were superb, showing off some of the science behind last years spate of direct observations of exoplanets, particularly the massive planet orbiting the star Fomalhaut, shaping a scattered disk of dust. However, there was no further news to report, apart from some cool numerical models the scientists will be using to characterize Fomalhaut b and a very interesting talk about the predicted lifetimes of exoplanets undergoing tidal stresses (which, unfortunately, I missed the first five minutes of as I got lost in the Long Beach Convention Center).
The one presentation that did pique my interest was Ben Zuckerman’s review of the progress being made in the study of BD+20 307. A few months ago, this piece of research caused a huge amount of interest as it provided the first piece of evidence of a huge, rocky planetary collision in the star system 300 light years away. Naturally, many news sources ran with article titles like: Is this what the Solar System would look like after Earth was hit by another planetary body? As Zuckerman pointed out, the fact that the group used an artist impression of a colliding Earth-like body (plus land masses and oceans, as pictured top) was no accident. BD+20 307 is certainly at an age when oceans might have formed and life–as Zuckerman morbidly conjectured–may have thrived. Not for any longer…
Usually when we observe dust around a star, we can assume that it is a planet-forming star system that is fairly young. Conversely, as I found out to great depth in the conference, very old white dwarf systems can reveal a lot about their past planetary population when their dusty contaminants are studied. However, the dust contained in the BD+20 307 system is a puzzle. Astronomers had discovered a system, of comparable age to ours with a large amount of warm dust (T~500K). A system of that age will have long since expelled (via stellar wind pressure) or accreted any left-over dust from the planet-forming stages. Therefore, the only remaining explanation is that a rocky body collided with another, ejecting a huge amount of micron-sized warm dust particles.
So is this what the Solar System would look like after Earth is shattered by another planet? Possibly.
Zuckerman then pushed into some work being done to understand how the planetary collision could have happened in the first place. After all, the planets in our Solar System have settled into long-term stable orbits, any planet in BD+20 307 will have the same qualities. There were some questions as to whether the binary stars may have contributed to destabilizing the system, but Zuckerman quickly argued against this idea as the binary has such a tight orbit (with an orbital period of only 3.5 days), the destroyed planet will have found a stable orbit far from any gravitational variations.
So what could have caused the carnage in BD+20 307? We know that massive planetary bodies exert a huge gravitational pull on their host star and other planets in a system (i.e. Jupiter in the case of our Solar System), occasionally bullying (and sometimes capturing) them along the way. A small nudge in the wrong direction and planets could be knocked from their orbits, set on a collision course. So, much effort is now being put into a search for a third, faint star in BD+20 307. Perhaps it could be orbiting far away from the dancing binary, occasionally swinging past the planetary bodies, setting up the huge collision event.
This certainly seems reasonable, as 70% of binary star systems are found to have a third star. However, Zuckerman’s team have yet to find the “killer” third star and he appears confident that after careful analysis that there is no other stellar body within a 20 AU radius of the binary pair. Next, he intends to study the “wobble” of the centre of mass of the BD+20 307 binary to see if there is any gravitational anomaly as the mysterious “third star” tugs at the pair.
We stand on the edge of the next phase of planetary discovery. Hundreds of massive, Jupiter-like planets have been discovered, but now astronomers are turning up smaller, more familiar planets. Planets the mass of Earth are out of reach today, but a new class of super Earth planets are now being discovered, and more will be turned up with the next generation of ground and space-based telescopes. Perhaps the most interesting research will be in the atmospheres of these planets.
Super Earths can have up to 10 times the mass of the Earth, but with a solid surface and liquid water they could very well be habitable. A recent presentation by Eliza Miller-Ricci from Harvard University at the 213th meeting of the American Astronomical Society discussed the kinds of atmospheres astronomers might see as these super Earths start turning up. Although interesting scientifically – geologic outgassing, evidence of plate tectonics, and the thickness or thinness of the atmosphere, the most interesting question will be: can super Earth planets support life?
To have life as we understand it, super Earth planets (like regular Earth planets) will need to have liquid water on their surface, and the requires a certain temperature range – the parent star’s habitable zone. As we see in our own Solar System, the atmosphere of a planet helps regulate its temperature; Venus has a thick atmosphere and it’s hot enough to melt lead, while Earth has a nice temperature to allow liquid water to form on its surface. Mars has a thin atmosphere and it’s really cold. It’s not just the thickness of the atmosphere that matters, it’s also what’s in it: carbon dioxide, water, etc.
High mass planets like Jupiter are mostly formed from hydrogen. Low mass terrestrial planets like Earth can’t hold onto their hydrogen and it escapes into space during the planet’s early history. But these super Earths might be able to hold onto their hydrogen. Instead of a low-hydrogen atmosphere like Earth, they might have an atmosphere with large quantities of water. And water is a powerful greenhouse gas – trace amounts of water vapor in Earth’s atmosphere account for 60% of our greenhouse effect, keeping the planet warm and habitable.
I asked Miller-Ricci about what impact large quantities of hydrogen will have on the atmosphere of a super Earth planet. We have water here on Earth, but very little in the atmosphere. Water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas and would help define the temperature of the planet. “The amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere of a super Earth planet would significantly affect its habitable zone. This is a really important question, it’s what we’re looking at next.”
Current missions can detect super Earths using the transit method, where the planet dims light from its parent star as it passes in front. By subtracting the chemical signature when the planet passes behind the star, astronomers can determine its atmosphere.
Finding super Earths is at the limit of current telescopes, but more powerful instruments are launching soon. NASA’s Kepler mission, launching in April 2009, will turn up even more super Earths than have already been found. But the next generation of space telescopes, like NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will allow astronomers to image these planet’s atmospheres directly.
After examining the 5-million-year old star cluster NGC 2362, astronomers say that planets like Jupiter must form quickly because the material that form giant gas planets disappears in just few million years in young protoplanetary (planet forming) systems. Using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, astronomers from the Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics found that all stars in this cluster with the mass of the Sun or greater have lost their protoplanetary disks, and only a few stars less massive than the Sun retain their protoplanetary disks. These disks provide the raw material for forming gas giants like Jupiter. Therefore, gas giant planets have to form in less than 5 million years or they probably won’t form at all. However, the material to form rocky terrestrial planets like Earth appears to stick around much longer.
“Even though astronomers have detected hundreds of Jupiter-mass planets around other stars, our results suggest that such planets must form extremely fast. Whatever process is responsible for forming Jupiters has to be incredibly efficient,” said lead researcher Thayne Currie of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Currie presented the team’s findings at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Long Beach, California.
Even though nearly all gas giant-forming disks in NGC 2362 have disappeared, several stars in the cluster have “debris disks,” which indicates that smaller rocky or icy bodies such as Earth, Mars, or Pluto may still be forming.
“The Earth got going sooner, but Jupiter finished first, thanks to a big growth spurt,” explained co-author Scott Kenyon.
Kenyon added that while Earth took about 20 to 30 million years to reach its final mass, Jupiter was fully grown in only 2 to 3 million years.
Previous studies indicated that protoplanetary disks disappear within 10 million years. The new findings put even tighter constraints on the time available to create gas giant planets around stars of various masses.
[/caption]It looks like astronomers have already grown tired of taking direct observations of exoplanets, been there, done that. So they are now pushing for the next great discovery: the detection of exomoons orbiting exoplanets. In a new study, a British astronomer wants to use a technique more commonly associated with the indirect observation of exoplanets. This technique watches a candidate star to see if it wobbles. The wobble is caused by the gravitational pull of the orbiting exoplanet, revealing its presence.
Now, according to David Kipping, the presence of exomoons can also be detected via the “wobble method”. Track an exoplanet during its orbit around a star to see its own wobble due to the gravitational interaction between the exoplanet/exomoon system. As if we needed any more convincing that this is not already an ‘all kinds of awesome’ project, Kipping has another motivation behind watching exoplanets wobble. He wants to find Earth-like exomoons with the potential for extraterrestrial life…
If you sat me in a room and asked me for ten years over and over again: “If you were an astronomer, and you had infinite funds, what would you want to discover?“, I don’t think I would ever arrive at the answer: the natural satellites orbiting exoplanets.” However, now I have read an article about it and studied the abstracts of a few papers, it doesn’t seem like such a strange proposition.
David Kipping, an astronomer working at the University College London (UCL), has acquired funding to investigate his method of measuring the wobble of exoplanets to reveal the presence of exomoons, and to measure their mass and distance from the exoplanet.
“Until now astronomers have only looked at the changes in the position of a planet as it orbits its star. This has made it difficult to confirm the presence of a moon as these changes can be caused by other phenomena, such as a smaller planet,” said Kipping. “By adopting this new method and looking at variations in a planet’s position and velocity each time it passes in front of its star, we gain far more reliable information and have the ability to detect an Earth-mass moon around a Neptune-mass gas planet.”
Kipping’s work appeared in the December 11th Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and could help the search for exomoons that lie within the habitable zone. Of the 300+ exoplanets observed so far, 30 are within the habitable zones of their host stars, but the planets themselves are large gas giants, several times the size of Jupiter. These gas giants are therefore assumed to be hostile for the formation for life (life as we know it in any case) and so have been discounted as habitable exoplanets.
But what if these exoplanets in the habitable zone have Earth-like exomoons orbiting them? Could they be detected? It would appear so.
Prof. Keith Mason, Chief Executive of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), added, “It’s very exciting that we can now gather so much information about distant moons as well as distant planets. If some of these gas giants found outside our Solar System have moons, like Jupiter and Saturn, there’s a real possibility that some of them could be Earth-like.”
Watch this space for an announcement of the first Earth-like exomoon to be discovered, at the rate of current technological advancement in astronomy, we could be looking at our first Earth-like exoplanet exomoon sooner than we anticipated…
[/caption]2008 has been an astounding year of scientific discovery. To celebrate this fact, Time Magazine has listed the “Top 10 Scientific Discoveries” where space exploration and physics dominate. Other disciplines are also listed; including zoology, microbiology, technology and biochemistry, but the number 1 slot goes to the most ambitious physics experiment of our time. Can you guess what it is? Also, of all our endeavours in space, can you pick out three that Time Magazine has singled out as being the most important?
As we approach the end of the year, ready to welcome in 2009, it is good to take stock and celebrate the mind-blowing achievements mankind has accomplished. Read on for the top 10 scientific discoveries of 2008…
The best thing about writing for a leading space news blog is that you gain wonderful overview to all our endeavours in astronomy, space flight, physics, politics (yes, space exploration has everything to do with politics), space commercialization and science in general. 2008 has been such a rich year for space exploration; we’ve landed probes on other worlds, studied other worlds orbiting distant stars, peered deep into the quantum world, learnt profound things about our own planet, developed cutting-edge instrumentation and redefined the human existence in the cosmos. We might not have all the answers (in fact, I think we are only just beginning to scratch the surface of our understanding of the Universe), but we have embarked on an enlightening journey on which we hope to build strong foundations for the next year of scientific discovery.
In an effort to assemble some of the most profound scientific endeavours of this year, Time Magazine has somehow narrowed the focus down to just 10 discoveries. Out of the ten, four are space and physics related, so here they are:
Considering there have never been any direct observations of exoplanets before November 2008–although we have known about the presence of worlds orbiting other stars for many years via indirect methods–this has been a revolutionary year for exoplanet hunters.
Despite early controversy surrounding recorded spaceship transmissions before the rocket had even launched, and then the sustained efforts by conspiracy theorists to convince the world that the whole thing was staged, mission commander Zhai Zhigang did indeed become the first ever Chinese citizen to carry out a spacewalk. Zhai spent 16 minutes outside of the capsule, attached by an umbilical cable, to triumphantly wave the Chinese flag and retrieve a test sample of solid lubricant attached to the outside of the module. His crew mate Liu Boming was also able to do some spacewalking.
Probably the most incredible thing about the first Chinese spacewalk wasn’t necessarily the spacewalk itself, it was the speed at which China managed to achieve this goal in such a short space of time. The first one-man mission into space was in 2003, the second in 2005, and the third was this year. Getting man into space is no easy task, to build an entire manned program in such a short space of time, from the ground-up, is an outstanding achievement.
2. The North Pole – of Mars: The Phoenix Mars Lander
Phoenix studied the surface of the Red Planet for five months. It was intended to only last for three. In that time, this robotic explorer captured the hearts and minds of the world; everybody seemed to be talking about the daily trials and tribulations of this highly successful mission. Perhaps it was because of the constant news updates via the University of Arizona website, or the rapid micro-blogging via Twitter; whatever the reason, Phoenix was a short-lived space celebrity.
To give the highly communicative lander the last word, MarsPhoenix on Twitter has recently announced: “Look who made Time Mag’s Top 10 list for Scientific Discoveries in 2008:”
In the run-up to the switch-on of the LHC in September, the world’s media focused its attention on the grandest physics experiment ever constructed. The LHC will ultimately probe deep into the world of subatomic particles to help to explain some of the fundamental questions of our Universe. Primarily, the LHC has been designed to hunt for the elusive Higgs boson, but the quest will influence many facets of science. From designing an ultra-fast method of data transmission to unfolding the theoretical microscopic dimensions curled up in space-time, the LHC is a diverse science, with applications we won’t fully appreciate for many years.
Unfortunately, as you may be wondering, the LHC hasn’t actually discovered anything yet, but the high-energy collisions of protons and other, larger subatomic particles, will revolutionize physics. I’d argue that the simple fact the multi-billion euro machine has been built is a discovery of how advanced our technological ability is becoming.