Large Outer Planets are Rare


One of the big surprises the Universe had in store for extrasolar planet hunters is the number of enormous planets close into their parent stars – the hot Jupiters. Another surprise seems to be how few large planets are found in the outer reaches of a solar system.

The discovery was announced by an international team of astronomers who concluded a three-year survey of 54 young, nearby stars. These should be among the best candidates to have large, Jupiter-sized planets further than 5 astronomical units from their parent stars (1 astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun).

They didn’t find a single planet.

Using the European Southern Observatory’s powerful telescopes, such as the 8.2-metre Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, the team had the ability to find outer super Jupiter planets at distances of more than 10 astronomical units from their stars. They had the imaging capability to spot them, but none turned up.

This new data helps astronomers constrain their calculations about where and how giant planets form in other solar systems. They can refine their models to better understand how our own giant planets might have formed.

Original Source: UA News Release

If There’s Oxygen, There’s Life


If aliens visited our Solar System, it would only take them a moment to figure out which planet is the one with all the life on it. That’s because our atmosphere has a high percentage of oxygen in its atmosphere. The presence of oxygen in our atmosphere has given scientists the key to searching for life on other worlds. But what if there are purely natural processes, that could confuse the search for life, fooling powerful new space observatories like the Terrestrial Planet Finder and Darwin.

Don’t worry. A new simulation by a team of US researchers shows that no natural process on a habitable world with liquid water could keep high levels of oxygen and ozone present in an alien atmosphere. If there’s oxygen, there’s life.

Most of the oxygen (O2) in the Earth’s atmosphere was thought to have been generated though photosynthesis. Plants use energy from the Sun, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing O2 as a byproduct. Over time, this oxygen has built up in our atmosphere to its current ratio of 21%, with the rest nitrogen and other trace gases.

This ratio is very important to the search for life in the Universe. Over the next few decades, a fleet of spacecraft and experiments are being built that will be so sensitive, they’ll be able to analyze the atmosphere of a distant Earth-sized world. Find oxygen or ozone in that planet’s atmosphere – so goes the thinking – and you’ve found a world with life. Like our own planet, some organic process is refreshing the oxygen in the atmosphere, stopping it from reacting away.

One recently canceled spacecraft is the Terrestrial Planet Finder, which would be sensitive enough to analyze the chemical constituents of a distant atmosphere. Sadly, this mission was scrapped after budgets were transfered to support the Vision for Space Exploration, which will send humans back to the Moon, and on to Mars. Don’t worry, though, the Europeans are working on the problem too with their Darwin mission. And it hasn’t been canceled… yet.

These missions (if they do get launched) will be able to spot oxygen and ozone in a distant world’s atmosphere. But could they be fooled? Are there natural processes that could generate similar levels of oxygen and ozone? If so, then it would make the search for life extremely difficult, generating false positives that would confuse scientists.

There have been a few scenarios that scientists think might create false positives for life. For example, in a runaway greenhouse planet like Venus, large amounts of hydrogen could be escaping from a hot, moist atmosphere. Since this hydrogen is originating from water (H2O), this would leave oxygen behind. If an extrasolar planet was losing its ocean to space, it might fool the detectors.

In another situation, a frozen, Mars-like planet could be large enough to retain heavy gases, but too small to maintain volcanic outgassing. The frozen surface would then inhibit the loss of oxygen, but also not consume it.

The trick to both of these scenarios, though, is that they would exist on planets outside a star’s habitable zone. Careful observers would be able to rule them out ahead of time.

A team of US researchers has developed a simulation to see if there are scenarios that could generate false positives, and they weren’t able to find anything that would fool future telescopes. The research paper is titled Abiotic Formation of O2 and O3 in High-CO2 Terrestrial Atmospheres, and it was recently accepted into the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

They ran many simulations, factoring in all the potential variables that would simulate an Earthlike world, including different rates of volcanic outgassing and ultraviolet radiation.

They weren’t able to come up with any scenarios in which a habitable planet with liquid water could generate a false positive result for O2 or O3 that would fool a telescope like the Terrestrial Planet Finder or Darwin.

Original Source: Arxiv research paper

Water Vapour Discovered in an Extrasolar Planet


Scientists have reported the first conclusive evidence of water vapour in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet. Before we load up the spaceships to search for life, however, consider the fact that this planet, HD 189733b, is larger than Jupiter, and orbits its parent star in just 2.2 days. That’s hot hot water.

The discovery was made using the mighty Spitzer space telescope. The astronomers pointed Spitzer at the parent star, and measured the chemical consistency of its light as the planet passed in front – aka, transited. As the starlight dimmed – blocked by the planet – the chemical constituents of the star changed to show a distinctive pattern. Astronomers know that only water can absorb these specific wavelengths of infrared radiation.

As I mentioned above, this planet is certainly a “hot Jupiter”. It contains 1.15 the mass of Jupiter (and 1.25 the diameter), but it orbits its parent star at a distance of only 4.5 million km. In comparison, our own Mercury is a distant 70 million km from the Sun.

It’s close, so it’s hot. Its atmospheric temperature is about 1000 Kelvin (more than 700 C). With this heat, all the water vapour in its atmosphere can’t condense, rain or form clouds.

It’s also tidally locked to its parent star, only showing one face to the star at all times (like the Moon and the Earth). This constant facing probably generates fierce winds that sweep around the planet from the day side to the night side.

Like I said, not the best place to find life, but still, an amazing discovery.

Original Source:ESA News Release

Imagining Plants on another Planet


If and when astronomers finally start discovering life on other worlds, they’ll be wondering what kinds of lifeforms are there. They probably won’t have plants as we know them, but there’ll be some kind of life that converts light from the Sun into energy. What would this life look like?

It turns out, the look of the plant life on another planet will depend on the light from the Sun. This is according to new research from Robert Blankenship at Washington University in St. Louis. Plants here on Earth are green because of chlorophyll, which converts solar power into sugars for metabolism. But this isn’t the best molecule. Ideally, you want something black, which absorbs all of the light.

Blankenship is part of a NASA working group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. They’re studying the light that comes from stars and extrasolar planets, looking for clues that would hint at extrasolar life. Specifically, they’re looking for elements which are out of balance from what a world should be if it was completely lifeless. For example, here on Earth, the free oxygen in our atmosphere wouldn’t be around if there wasn’t a natural process replenishing it. There’s also a very specific wavelength of light, 700 nanometres out, where there are signs of very intense chlorophyll absorption.

Original Source: Washington University in St. Louis News Release

Hidden Planet Disturbs a Ring of Dust


You can’t see it, but there’s a Neptune-sized planet hidden in a ring of dust around the star Fomalhaut. At least, this is according to new research from the University of Rochester. A recent photograph taken by Hubble shows that this ring around Fomalhaut is slightly off-centre, and nobody knew why, until now.

Protoplanetary rings have been discovered around many newly forming stars. As the star matures, its powerful solar wind kicks in, blowing out all the remaining dust and gas that helped form the planets. In the case of Fomalhaut, this ring is elliptical, with the parent star off to one side.

To give the ring this elliptical shape, researcher Alice Quillen determined that a Neptune-sized planet must be tucked up right against the inner side of this ring. Its gravity is tossing dust in the area out of orbit. How this planet got into an elliptical orbit is a bit of a mystery, though. Usually planets form in nice circular disks, which translate to circular orbits.

Original Source: University of Rochester News Release

Stable Star Gives the Best Chance for Life


One of the biggest news stories of the year was an Earth-sized planet orbiting Gliese 581. Even more importantly, this terrestrial planet is orbiting within the star’s habitable zone, where any water will likely be in liquid form. But it takes more than just water to encourage life, you need a nice, stable star. And according to a new survey, Gliese 581 fits the bill there too.

The survey was done by Canada’s MOST telescope, nicknamed the Humble Space Telescope. It’s a suitcase-sized space observatory with the ability to watch for changes in brightness with incredible sensitivity. MOST focused on Gliese 581 for 6 weeks, watching for any flareups, or drops in light.

According to University of British Columbia researcher, Jaymie Matthews, the brightness of the star only changed a few tenths of a percent during their observations. That means its radiation output remains very stable over time.

So, Gliese 581c has the possibility of liquid water and stable warming from the star. Good news for potential life on this distant planet.

Original Source: UBC News Release

Amateurs Help Discover a Planet that Might be a Brown Dwarf


Another new planet has been announced this week that crosses the line between planet and brown dwarf. This time, the planet is called XO-3b, and it was discovered through a collaboration between amateur and professional astronomers.

XO-3b contains 13 times the mass of Jupiter, and orbits its parent star every 4 days. It was first discovered using a low budget telescope, part of the XO project, located on the Haleakala summit on Maui, Hawaii. The telescope is actually made up of two commercially available 200-millimetre telephoto lenses which watch stars for the characteristic dimming as a planet passes in front. When a suspected transit is seen, larger telescopes are brought in to confirm the findings.

Brown dwarfs are failed stars, lacking the mass to ignite fusion, but they do have enough mass to fuse deuterium. Astronomers categorized them as any object between 13 and 80 times the mass of Jupiter. With 13-Jupiter masses, XO-3b sits right at the dividing line between planet and brown dwarf.

Original Source: Rice University News Release

Metal Poor Star Found With Planets


When you look at the ground beneath your feet, you’re looking at matter created in the heart of stars at the end of their lives. Some of the heavier elements were fashioned in the supernovae explosions of massive stars. And in many cases, these elements went through several generations of stars. So it was a tremendous surprise this week when astronomers discovered planets orbiting a metal poor star.

The discovery was made by a team of researchers from the University of Texas using the 9.2-metre Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory. They found a system of two Jupiter-like planets orbiting a star that’s so low in metals that it shouldn’t have planets at all.

But there they are.

The star is known as HD 155358, and the planets were discovered using the radial velocity method, where the gravity from the planets pull the star back and forth with a velocity we can detect here on Earth. This allows astronomers to calculate their mass and the length of their orbit.

One planet has an orbital period of 195 days and has 90% the mass of Jupiter. The other takes 530 days and has 50% the mass of Jupiter. They actually orbit so close to one another, that they must gravitationally interact. They push each other around.

A commonly-held model of planetary formation requires that there are large quantities of heavy metals present in the protoplanetary disk. Finding such a low metal star, but still with two planets around it, is an impressive find, and will give astronomers reason to reconsider their theories.

Original Source: UT Austin News Release

Neptune-Sized Planet Covered in Superhot Ice


One of the most dramatic extrasolar planetary discoveries of the year was announced this week; unfortunately, with little fanfare. Planet hunters uncovered a Neptune-sized planet orbiting a nearby star. This planet is close enough to its parent star that it’s extremely hot – above 250 degrees Celsius. And yet the intense pressure from gravity forces large quantities of liquid water into solid ice.

The planet was discovered orbiting the nearby M-dwarf star GJ 436 using the planetary transit technique. This is where a sensitive instrument called a photometer measures the periodic dimming and brightening of a star as a planet passes in front. In August 2006, astronomers captured the first hint of the planet using the Observatoire Francois-Xavier Bagnoud (OFXB) observatory in St-Luc Switzerland. It was then confirmed using the Euler 1.2m telescope at La Silla Observatory in Chile.

The announcement was made in the paper Detection of transits of the nearby hot Neptune GJ 436 b, which has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters.

With more traditional planet hunting techniques, very little information can be found about the planet, other than its mass. But planetary transits offer a wealth of data. Since the light from the star dims, and the chemical composition of the light changes, astronomers can determine the planet’s atmosphere by subtracting it from the star. They can measure both the mass, and the size of the planet, and measure the temperature of its surface.

According their calculations, GJ 436 b is approximately 50,000 km across; 4 times the radius of Earth, and approximately the size of Neptune. This makes is the smallest planet ever discovered using the planetary transit technique, and brings the possibility of uncovering Earth-sized planets tantalizingly closer. But unlike frigid Neptune, it orbits much closer than the orbit of Mercury, completing an orbit in just a few days. Even through the dwarf star it orbits is less luminous than our Sun, the planet orbits so close that it’s heated above 250 degrees Celsius. This makes it the first “hot Neptune” ever discovered.

A planet with this amount of water ice must have formed outside the star’s “snow line”, where the protoplanetary disc is cool enough for water to condense. Some process must have brought it gradually closer to the parent star, to its current position today. Once the planet got close enough to the star its outer envelope of hydrogen and helium would have evaporated away, leaving the smaller icy core.

Original Source: Arxiv

Newly Discovered Planet Orbits in Just 31 Hours


Of the extrasolar planets astronomers have discovered, it’s the hot jupiters that really boggle the imagination. These worlds can be much larger than Jupiter, but tear around their parent star in just a few hours. Or in the case of newly discovered TrES-3, in just 31 hours.

This latest discovery, titled TrES-3: A Nearby, Massive, Transiting Hot Jupiter in a 31-Hour Orbit, will be published in an upcoming issue of the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

As with many planetary discoveries, this was a team effort, made by astronomers and observatories around the world. The story begins when astronomers measured a periodic dimming around parent star GSC 03089-00929 – a G-dwarf star 90% the mass of the Sun. Since the discovering instruments were part of the Trans-atlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES) network, this is how the planet got its name.

Once the astronomers had a candidate, other astronomers performed follow up observatories using the Hungarian Automated Telescope Network, the Fred L. Whipple Observatory, the Submillimeter Array atop Mauna Kea, and a handful of other instruments around the world. By the time they were done, hundreds of observations had been made in many wavelengths.

It’s currently estimated to have a mass of approximately 1.92 the mass of Jupiter. As mentioned, it orbits its parent star once every 31 hours – at a distance of only 0.0226 AU (1 AU = the distance from the Earth to the Sun). That sounds fast, and it is. The current record is OGLE-TR-56b, which orbits every 29 hours. So TrES-3 comes in a close second.

Based on their observations, TrES-3 is not a grazing transit. In other words, the planet passes directly between the star and the Earth, fitting its disk entirely within the disk of the star at mid-transit. The transit itself takes only 1.3 hours to complete. This provides astronomers with a useful testbed for theoretical models of gas giants. Astronomers want to understand what happens to planets this close to their parent star; how their orbits decay, and rate of thermal evaporation from being so close.

And here’s the mystery. At this close distance to its star, TrES-3 must be going furious evaporation of its gas. Astronomers are wondering if a planet could form this close, and still be around billions of years later. Another possibility is that it formed further out, and was pulled in close over millions of years. TrES-3 is so close that its gravity tidally effects the star, modifying the rate at which its orbit decays, and confusing the calculations.

The astronomers are planning follow up observations of TrES-3 with the powerful Spitzer Space Telescope, since it’s an ideal candidate for attempts to detect reflected starlight. This will allow astronomers to measure the planet’s albedo, or reflectiveness.

Original Source: Arxiv Release

Thanks to Dr. Pamela Gay for helping me puzzle through some of the scientific language.