Deepest Ultraviolet Image Shows a Sea of Distant Galaxies

A Pool of Distant Galaxies. Credit: ESO

Dive right in to this image that contains a sea of distant galaxies! The Very Large Telescope has obtained the deepest ground-based image in the ultraviolet band, and here, you can see this patch of the sky is almost completely covered by galaxies, each one, like our own Milky Way galaxy, and home of hundreds of billions of stars. A few notable things about this image: galaxies were detected that are a billion times fainter than the unaided eye can see, and also in colors not directly observable by the human eye. In this image, a large number of new galaxies were discovered that are so far away that they are seen as they were when the Universe was only 2 billion years old! Also…

This image contains more than 27 million pixels and is the result of 55 hours of observation, made primarily with the Visible Multi Object Spectrograph (VIMOS) instrument. To get the full glory of this image, here’s where you can download the full resolution version. It’s worth the wait while it downloads. Or click here to be able to zoom around the image.

In this sea of galaxies – or island universes as they are sometimes called – only a very few stars belonging to the Milky Way are seen. One of them is so close that it moves very fast on the sky. This “high proper motion star” is visible to the left of the second brightest star in the image. It appears as a funny elongated rainbow because the star moved while the data were being taken in the different filters over several years.

The VLT folks describe this image as a “uniquely beautiful patchwork image, with its myriad of brightly coloured galaxies.” It shows the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S), one of the most observed and best studied regions in the entire sky. The CDF-S is one of the two regions selected as part of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), an effort of the worldwide astronomical community that unites the deepest observations from ground- and space-based facilities at all wavelengths from X-ray to radio. Its primary purpose is to provide astronomers with the most sensitive census of the distant Universe to assist in their study of the formation and evolution of galaxies.

The image encompasses 40 hours of observations with the VLT, just staring at the same region of the sky. The VIMOS R-band image was obtained co-adding a large number of archival images totaling 15 hours of exposure.

Source: ESO

GALEX Spies a Ghost — And It’s Alive!

The Ghost of Mirach. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/DSS

Halloween means its time for ghost stories and here’s a mysterious astronomical story about the “Ghost of Mirach.” When viewed in visible light, as in the picture above on the left, the galaxy called NGC 404 appears as just a white blob. Mirach is a red giant star that looms large in visible light, hiding NGC 404 in its glare, and therefore was nicknamed “The Ghost of Mirach” But when the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) spied the galaxy in ultraviolet light, a spooky ring materialized and the region came to “life.” This ring, seen in blue in the picture on the right, contains new stars — a surprise considering that the galaxy was previously thought to be dead. “We thought this celestial ghost was essentially dead, but we’ve been able to show that it has an extended ring of new stars. The galaxy has a hybrid character in which the well-known, very old stellar population tells only part of the story,” said David Thilker of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. “It’s like the living dead.”

Oooh, spooky!

The eerie creature, called NGC 404, is a type of galaxy known as “lenticular.” Lenticular galaxies are disk-shaped, with little ongoing star formation and no spiral arms. NGC 404 is the nearest example of a lenticular galaxy, and therefore of great interest. But, usually it lies hidden in the glare from a red giant star Mirach.

Thilker and members of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer team spotted the Ghost of Mirach in images taken during the space telescope’s all-sky survey, where it is scanning the entire visible sky in ultraviolet light, a job never before accomplished.

Long exposure observations of this region show that the NGC 404 is surrounded by a clumpy, never-before-seen ring of stars.

What is this mysterious ultraviolet ring doing around an otherwise nondescript lenticular galaxy? As it turns out, previous imaging with the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico had discovered a gaseous ring of hydrogen that matches the ultraviolet ring observed by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. The authors of this Very Large Array study attributed the gas ring to a violent collision between NGC 404 and a small neighboring galaxy 900 million years ago.

The ultraviolet observations demonstrate that, when the hydrogen from the collision settled into the plane of the lenticular galaxy, stars began to form in a ghostly ring. Young, relatively hot stars forming in stellar clusters sprinkled throughout NGC 404’s ring give off the ultraviolet light that the Galaxy Evolution Explorer was able to see.

“Before the Galaxy Evolution Explorer image, NGC 404 was thought to contain only very old and evolved red stars distributed in a smooth elliptical shape, suggesting a galaxy well into its old age and no longer evolving significantly,” said Mark Seibert of the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Pasadena, Calif. “Now we see it has come back to life, to grow once again.”

“The Ghost of Mirach has been lucky enough to get a new lease on life through the rejuvenating, chance merger with its dwarf companion,” added Thilker.

The findings indicate that the evolution of lenticular galaxies might not yet be complete. They may, in fact, continue to form stars in a slow, piecemeal fashion as they suck the raw, gaseous material for stars from small, neighboring galaxies. It seems the Ghost of Mirach might act more like a vampire than a ghost.

The fields of view are identical in both pictures, and spans 55,000 light years across. The Ghost of Mirach is located 11 million light-years from Earth. The star Mirach is very close in comparison — it is only 200 light-years away and is visible with the naked eye.

Source: NASA

‘Cosmic Eye’ Helps Focus on Distant Galaxy’s Formation

Cosmic Eye. Credit: Hubble Space Telescope

Using gravitational lensing, astronomers have been able to see a young star-forming galaxy in the distant universe as it appeared only two billion years after the Big Bang. Appropriately enough, the galaxy used as a zoom lens was the “Cosmic Eye” galaxy, named so because through the effect of gravitational lensing, it looks like a giant eye in space. The researchers, led by Dr. Dan Stark, of Caltech, say this distant galaxy may provide insights into how our own galaxy may have evolved to its present state.

The astronomers used the ten meter Keck telescope in Hawaii, which is equipped with a laser-assisted guide star adaptive optics (AO) to correct for blurring in the Earth’s atmosphere. By combining the powerful telescope with the magnifying effect of the gravitational field of the foreground galaxy – called gravitational lensing – they were able to study the distant star system, which lies 11 billion light years from Earth. The Cosmic Eye, the foreground galaxy, is 2.2 billion light years from Earth.

The distortion of light rays enlarged the distant galaxy eight times.

This allowed the scientists to determine the galaxy’s internal velocity structure and compare it to later star systems such as the Milky Way.

In the image, the red source in the middle is the foreground lensing galaxy, while the blue ring is the near-complete ring image of the background star-forming galaxy.

Watch a movie of the gravitational lensing view.

Research co-author Dr. Mark Swinbank, in The Institute for Computational Cosmology, at Durham University, said, “This is the most detailed study there has been of an early galaxy. Effectively we are looking back in time to when the Universe was in its very early stages.

Stark said, “Gravity has effectively provided us with an additional zoom lens, enabling us to study this distant galaxy on scales approaching only a few hundred light years.

“This is ten times finer sampling than previously. As a result for the first time we can see that a typical-sized young galaxy is spinning and slowly evolving into a spiral galaxy much like our own Milky Way.”

Data from the Keck Observatory was combined with millimeter observations from the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, in the French Alps, which is sensitive to the distribution of cold gas destined to collapse to form stars.

Dr. Swinbank added, “Remarkably the cold gas traced by our millimetre observations shares the rotation shown by the young stars in the Keck observations.

“The distribution of gas seen with our amazing resolution indicates we are witnessing the gradual build up of a spiral disk with a central nuclear component.”

These observations has astronomers looking forward to the capabilities of the European Extremely Large Telescope (E -ELT) and the American Thirty Metre Telescope (TMT), which are being built and will be available in about 10 years.

Source: Durham University

Watch Out! Galactic Collisions Could Snuff Out Star Formation

Galactic Collisions. Credit: Tomer Tal and Jeffrey Kenney/Yale University and NOAO/AURA/NSF


It’s a violent universe out there! Yesterday we ran an article about galaxies colliding and forming fireballs. Today, there’s more evidence for galactic collisions, and it’s not good news for potential stars. While this image is stunning, such collisions could spell doom for future star formation. A deep new image of the Virgo cluster has revealed huge tendrils of ionized hydrogen gas 400,000 light-years long connecting the elliptical galaxy M86 and the disturbed spiral galaxy NGC 4438. This image, taken by the 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, provides striking evidence of a previously unsuspected high-speed collision between the two galaxies. “Our data show that this system represents the nearest recent collision between a large elliptical galaxy and a large spiral,” said Jeffrey Kenney of Yale University, “This discovery provides some of the clearest evidence yet for high-speed collisions between large galaxies, and it suggests that the consequences of such collisions are a plausible alternative to black holes in trying to explain the mystery of what process turns off star formation in the biggest galaxies.”

Astronomers have been trying to understand the mystery of what causes the biggest galaxies in the Universe—which are primarily ellipticals, like M86—to stop forming stars. “Something needs to heat up the gas so it doesn’t cool and form stars,” Kenney says. “A number of recent studies suggest that energy from active galactic nuclei associated with supermassive black holes may do this, (see Universe Today articles here and here) but our new study shows that gravitational interactions may also do the trick.”

The Virgo cluster is located approximately 50 million light-years from Earth. Previous studies had noticed disturbed H-alpha gas around each of the two galaxies, but scientists didn’t think the two had a connection. Indeed, some results have suggested that NGC 4438 collided with the small lenticular galaxy NGC 4435, but NGC 4435 has a much higher line-of-sight velocity as seen from Earth and appears undisturbed.

Spectroscopy of selected regions along the filament between M86 and NGC 4438 shows a fairly smooth velocity gradient between the galaxies, supporting the collision scenario. And here’s the kicker: there are no obvious stars in the filaments.

As in most elliptical galaxies, most of the gas within M86 is extremely hot, and therefore radiates X-rays. The X-ray distribution in M86 is irregular and sports a long plume, which had previously been interpreted as a tail of gas which is being stripped by ram pressure as M86 falls into the intracluster medium of the Virgo cluster. The new H-alpha image from Kitt Peak suggests that most of the disturbances to the interstellar medium in M86 are instead due to the collision with NGC 4438.

Low-velocity collisions, especially between small- to medium-sized galaxies, often cause an increase in the local star formation rate, as the collisions tend to cause gas to concentrate in the galaxy centers. But in high velocity collisions (which happen naturally between large galaxies, since their large gravity pulls mass inward much faster), the kinetic energy of the collision can cause the gas to heat up so much that it cannot easily cool and form stars.

While not many galaxies suffer such extreme collisions as M86, most galaxies experience minor mergers and gas accretion events, and these may play a significant role in heating the galaxy’s gas. These more common but modest events are very hard to study, since their observational signatures are weak.

“The same physical processes occur in both strong and weak encounters, and by studying the observable effects in extreme cases like M86 we can learn about the role of gravity in the heating of galaxy gas, which appears to be quite significant,” Kenney adds.

Kenney is the lead author of a paper to be published in a November 2009 issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Source: NOAO

Galaxy Ramming Through Space Creates Fireballs

Fireball Galaxy. Credit: Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)

During routine observations of the Coma Cluster of galaxies using the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, astronomers discovered a thread-like structure stretching from one of the galaxies. The astronomers determined this filament was about 260 thousand light years long, and spectral analysis of the filament suggested a younger age toward the outer edge of the filament. The filament also has many young stars surrounded by ionized gas that look like projectiles flying out from the galaxy. So what happened in this chaotic area of space? Astronomers determined a speeding galaxy rammed into the Coma Cluster, stripping gas from the galaxy and creating fireball-like projectiles.

Galaxies evolve over time, and astronomers do not yet understanding how they change in shape, size, and color. Galaxy Clusters, which are dense populations of galaxies, rich with hot intergalactic gas, accompanied by strong gravitational forces are some of the best locations to observe galactic evolution.

A team of researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the University of Tokyo used Suprime-cam on the Subaru Telescope to observe the Coma Cluster of galaxies. The Coma Cluster contains over 1,000 galaxies and is fairly close to Earth at about 300 million light years away.
During observations in 2006 and 2007, the astronomers saw the filament extending from Galaxy RB199 and several of the “fireballs.” Detailed study identified several bright knots connected by blue filamentary structures, and the knots are actually the clusters of young stars weighing 10 million times our Sun, contained in an area about 3000 to 6000 light years across. Because the knots are accompanied by ionized gas, active star formation is going on in the fireballs where usually far less star formation would be expected. The team noted that the size and the mass of the fireballs indicate they could develop into dwarf galaxies.

Closeups of four fireballs.  Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
Closeups of four fireballs. Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)

Because the inside of the cluster is crowded with galaxies, they pass by each other and crash into each other. The team thought that the tidal forces during such encounters could strip gas or stars from the galaxies. They also postulated that as a galaxy falls into the center of the cluster the gravitational forces of the cluster could remove the gas and stars from that galaxy. Both scenarios are possible, however, the research team found that these mechanisms could hardly explain the characteristics of the fireballs. The team then realized that ram pressure stripping occurs when superheated gas (several tens of million Kelvin) in the cluster and the galaxies collide at high speeds. Previous X-ray observation shows the presence of large amounts of hot ionized gas in the middle of the Coma Cluster while RB199 crashes into the center at a speed of 1200 miles per second, causing strong friction with this hot gas. As such, the team concluded that the ram pressure has enough power to strip the gas from the galaxy AND create the fireballs.

While there are several reports indicating ram pressure stripping in nearby galaxy clusters, the identification of fireballs in this study is the first to demonstrate the stripped gas turns into stars while traveling through remote space far away from its source. Similar phenomena have been observed in galaxy clusters much further away at several billions light years, however, those distant cases were interpreted through witnessing the transitional phase of galaxies changing their morphology or colors as they fall into a cluster. The fireballs discovered by this team of Japanese astronomers provide the first sample of such structures in a nearby cluster. Principal investigator, Dr. Michitoshi Yoshida, said “the team is confident that our study of these phenomena leads to a better understanding of the gas stripping processes in galaxy clusters, and the effect of clusters on the evolution of individual galaxies”.

Source: Subaru Press release

Help Your Hubble ANGST With Latest Survey Images

ANGST Survey Galaxy - NGC 4163 Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton and B. Williams (University of Washington)


Everyone is suffering from severe angst about the fate of the Hubble Space Telescope, and now, on the heels of Hubble’s data controller failure news comes more ANGST. But this is a good ANGST – which is an acronym for ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury. The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) has completed a thorough survey of galaxies in our cosmic backyard, providing clues about how stars form. Using Hubble, astronomers observed around 14 million stars in 69 galaxies, ranging from 6.5 million light-years to 13 million light-years from Earth. Interestingly, some galaxies were found to be full of ancient stars, while others are like sun-making factories. So, if you’re suffering from Hubble angst, peruse the images from this newest survey – they may bring you comfort. Either that, or you’ll cry from sorrow of what could possibly be lost… (no, no, no — think happy thoughts!!!)…

The detailed survey, called the ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury (ANGST) program, explored a region called the Local Volume of galaxies. A typical galaxy contains billions of stars but looks smooth when viewed through a conventional telescope because the stars appear blurred together. In contrast, the galaxies observed in this new survey are close enough to Earth that the sharp view provided by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 can resolve the brightness and color of some individual stars. This allows scientists to determine the history of star formation within a galaxy and tease out subtle features in a galaxy’s shape.

ANGST Survey Galaxy - NGC 253
ANGST Survey Galaxy - NGC 253

“Past Hubble observations of the local neighbourhood have provided dramatic insights into the star-formation histories of individual galaxies, but the number of galaxies studied in detail has been rather small”, said Julianne Dalcanton of the University of Washington in Seattle (USA) and leader of the ANGST survey. “Instead of picking and choosing particular galaxies to study, our survey will be complete by virtue of looking at ‘all’ the galaxies in the region. This gives us a multi-colour picture of when and where all the stars in the local Universe formed.”

Many stars in nearby galaxies are the fossil equivalents of new stars forming in the far Universe, and these latest images provide a “fossil record” for stars, providing a better understanding of the masses, structures, and environments of the galaxies.”

Early results of the ANGST survey show the rich diversity of galaxies. Some are made up entirely of ancient stars, while others have been forming stars nearly continuously during their whole lives. There are even a few examples of galaxies that have only started forming stars in the recent past. “With these images, we can see what makes each galaxy unique”, said team member Benjamin Williams of the University of Washington.

ANGST Survey Galaxy - NGC 300
ANGST Survey Galaxy - NGC 300

The ANGST survey also includes maps of many large galaxies, including M81. “With these maps, we can track when the different parts of the galaxy formed”, explained Evan Skillman of the University of Minnesota (USA), describing work by students Dan Weisz of the University of Minnesota and Stephanie Gogarten of the University of Washington.

“This rich survey will add to Hubble’s legacy, providing a foundation for future studies”, Dalcanton added. “With this information, we will be able to trace the complete cycle of star formation in detail.”

So, check out the images from this survey and all the wonderful, amazing, and incredible Hubble images to help ease your Hubble angst.

Source: HubbleSite

Companion Dwarf Galaxy Almost Invisible

Segue 1 is 50 times dimmer than the star cluster pictured above but is 1000 times more massive, meaning most of its mass must be made up of dark matter. (Credit: Sloan Digital Sky Survey)

A team of astronomers has discovered the least luminous, most dark matter-filled galaxy known to exist. The Segue 1 galaxy is one of about two dozen small satellite galaxies orbiting our own Milky Way. This is a very faint galaxy, a billion times less bright than the Milky Way. But despite its small number of visible stars, Segue 1 is nearly a thousand times more massive than it appears, meaning most of its mass must come from dark matter. “Segue 1 is the most extreme example of a galaxy that contains only a few hundred stars, yet has a relatively large mass,” said Marla Geha, an assistant professor of astronomy at Yale and lead author on a paper about Segue 1.

Geha and her colleagues have observed about half of the dwarf satellite galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. These objects are so faint and contain so few stars that at first they were thought to be globular clusters – tightly bound star clusters that also orbit our host galaxy. But by analyzing the light coming from the objects using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, the researchers determined these objects are actually galaxies, but just very faint.

Looking only at the light emitted by these ultra-faint galaxies, Geha and her colleagues expected them to have correspondingly low masses. Instead, they discovered that they are between 100 and 1000 times more massive than they appear. Invisible dark matter, she said, must account for the difference.

Although dark matter doesn’t emit or absorb light, scientists can measure its gravitational effect on ordinary matter and believe it makes up about 85 percent of the total mass in the universe. Finding ultra-faint galaxies like Segue 1, which is so rife with dark matter, provides clues as to how galaxies form and evolve, especially at the smallest scales.

“These dwarf galaxies tell us a great deal about galaxy formation,” Geha said. “For example, different theories about how galaxies form predict different numbers of dwarf galaxies versus large galaxies. So just comparing numbers is significant.”

It’s only recently that astronomers have discovered just how prevalent these dwarf satellite galaxies are, thanks to projects like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which imaged large areas of the nighttime sky in greater detail than ever before. In the past two years alone, the number of known dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way has doubled from the dozen or so brightest that were discovered during the first half of the twentieth century.

Geha predicts astronomers will find even more as they continue to sift through new data. “The galaxies I now consider bright used to be the least luminous ones we knew about,” she said. “It’s a totally new regime. This is a story that’s just unfolding.”

Source: Yale University

Do All Galaxies Have Tentacles?

This Hubble Space Telescope image of two spiral galaxies shows an interesting feature on the smaller galaxy. Silhouetted in front of the larger background galaxy is a small galaxy, and tentacles of dust can be seen extending beyond the small galaxy’s disk of starlight. These dark, dusty structures appear to be devoid of stars, almost like barren branches. They are rarely so visible in a galaxy because there is usually nothing behind them but darkness. But here, with the backdrop of the larger galaxy they are illuminated. Astronomers have never seen dust this far beyond the visible edge of a galaxy, and they don’t know if these dusty structures are common features in galaxies.

The background galaxy is 780 million light-years away, but the distance between the two galaxies has not yet been calculated. Astronomers think the two are relatively close, but not close enough to actually interact. The background galaxy is about the size of the Milky Way Galaxy and is about 10 times larger than the foreground galaxy. Understanding a galaxy’s color and how dust affects and dims that color are crucial to measuring a galaxy’s true brightness. By knowing the true brightness, astronomers can calculate the galaxy’s distance from Earth.

Most of the stars speckled across this image belong to the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 253, which is out of view to the right. Astronomers used Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys to snap images of NGC 253 when they spied the two galaxies in the background. From ground-based telescopes, the two galaxies look like a single blob. But the Advanced Camera’s sharp “eye” distinguished the blob as two galaxies, cataloged as 2MASX J00482185-2507365. The images were taken on Sept. 19, 2006.

Source: Hubblesite

Our Sun May Have Migrated Over Time

Computer simulation showing the development and evolution of the disk of a galaxy such as the Milky Way. Credit: Rok Roškar


When you stir cream in your coffee or tea, does the swirl stay the same or does it change as it spins in your cup? As galaxies form and swirl, the motions and eddies may actually cause stars to move within the galaxy. A long-standing scientific belief holds that stars tend to hang out in the same general part of a galaxy where they originally formed. But some astrophysicists have recently questioned whether that is true, and now new simulations show that, at least in galaxies similar to our own Milky Way, stars such as the sun can migrate great distances. If this is true, it could change the entire notion that there are parts of galaxies – so-called habitable zones – that are more conducive to supporting life than other areas.

“Our view of the extent of the habitable zone is based in part on the idea that certain chemical elements necessary for life are available in some parts of a galaxy’s disk but not others,” said Rok RoÅ¡kar, a doctoral student in astronomy at the University of Washington. “If stars migrate, then that zone can’t be a stationary place.”

RoÅ¡kar is lead author of a paper describing the findings from the simulations, published in the Sept. 10 edition of the Astrophysical Journal Letters. If the idea of habitable zone doesn’t hold up, it would change scientists’ understanding of just where, and how, life could evolve in a galaxy, he said.

Using more than 100,000 hours of computer time on a UW computer cluster and a supercomputer at the University of Texas, the scientists ran simulations of the formation and evolution of a galaxy disk from material that had swirled together 4 billion years after the big bang. Watch a simulation video.

The simulations begin with conditions about 9 billion years ago, after material for the disk of our galaxy had largely come together but the actual disk formation had not yet started. The scientists set basic parameters to mimic the development of the Milky Way to that point, but then let the simulated galaxy evolve on its own.

If a star, during its orbit around the center of the galaxy, is intercepted by a spiral arm of the galaxy, scientists previously assumed the star’s orbit would become more erratic in the same way that a car’s wheel might become wobbly after it hits a pothole.

However, in the new simulations the orbits of some stars might get larger or smaller but still remain very circular after hitting the massive spiral wave. Our sun has a nearly circular orbit, so the findings mean that when it formed 4.59 billion years ago (about 50 million years before the Earth), it could have been either nearer to or farther from the center of the galaxy, rather than halfway toward the outer edge where it is now.

Migrating stars also help explain a long-standing problem in the chemical mix of stars in the neighborhood of our solar system, which has long been known to be more mixed and diluted than would be expected if stars spent their entire lives where they were born. By bringing in stars from very different starting locations, the sun’s neighborhood has become a more diverse and interesting place, the researchers said.

The findings are based on a few runs of the simulations, but the scientists plan to run a range of simulations with varying physical properties to generate different kinds of galactic disks, and then determine whether stars show similar ability to migrate large distances within different types of disk galaxies.

Source: University of Washington

Pretty Picture of the Day: M83

What a great way to start the day, with a gorgeous image like this one of the galaxy Messier 83, adorned with what looks like rubies on the spiral arms. This shot was captured by the Wide Field Imager at ESO’s La Silla Observatory, located high in the dry desert mountains of the Chilean Atacama Desert. Messier 83 lies roughly 15 million light-years away towards the southern constellation of Hydra. To make this image, the WFI stared at M83 for roughly 100 minutes through a series of specialist filters, allowing the faint detail of the galaxy to reveal itself. The brighter stars in the foreground are stars in our own galaxy, and behind M83 the darkness is peppered with the faint smudges of distant galaxies.

M83 stretches over 40,000 light-years, making it roughly 2.5 times smaller than our own Milky Way. However, in some respects, Messier 83 is quite similar to our own galaxy. Both the Milky Way and Messier 83 possess a bar across their galactic nucleus, the dense spherical conglomeration of stars seen at the centre of the galaxies.

The red, ruby like features are in fact huge clouds of glowing hydrogen gas. Ultraviolet radiation from newly born, massive stars is ionizing the gas in these clouds, causing the great regions of hydrogen to glow red. These star forming regions are contrasted dramatically in this image against the ethereal glow of older yellow stars near the galaxy’s central hub. The image also shows the delicate tracery of dark and winding dust streams weaving throughout the arms of the galaxy.

Messier 83 was discovered by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the mid 18th century. Decades later it was listed in the famous catalogue of deep sky objects compiled by another French astronomer and famous comet hunter, Charles Messier.

Source: ESO