Gravitational Lensing

Hubble Provides Most Detailed Dark Matter Map Yet

[/caption] Using Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, astronomers have been able to chart invisible dark matter in a distant galaxy,…

14 years ago

Gravitational Lensing Caught By Amateur Telescope

Just a few short years ago, even the thought of capturing an astronomy anomaly with what's considered an "amateur telescope"…

14 years ago

First Quasar Gravitational Lens Discovered (w/video)

[/caption] Gravitation lensing - a phenomenon that falls out of Einstein's theory of general relativity - has been observed numerous…

14 years ago

Stunning Science Using Nature’s Telescope

[/caption] Einstein started it all, back in 1915. Eddington picked up the ball and ran with it, in 1919. And…

15 years ago

Hubble Confirms Cosmic Acceleration with Weak Lensing

[/caption] Need more evidence that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating? Just look to the Hubble Space Telescope. An…

15 years ago

Galaxies in Early Universe Experienced “Growth Spurt”

[/caption] Looking back in time – and through a gravitational lens – astronomers found evidence that galaxies in the early…

15 years ago

This is Getting Boring: General Relativity Passes Yet another Big Test!

[/caption] Published in 1915, Einstein's theory of general relativity (GR) passed its first big test just a few years later,…

15 years ago

Using Gravitational Lensing to Measure Age and Size of Universe

[/caption] Handy little tool, this gravitational lensing! Astronomers have used it to measure the shape of stars, look for exoplanets,…

15 years ago

Dark Matter in Distant Galaxy Groups Mapped for the First Time

[/caption] Galaxy density in the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field, with colors representing the redshift of the galaxies, ranging from…

15 years ago

A Table-Top Test of General Relativity?

[/caption] Even Albert Einstein might have been impressed. His theory of general relativity, which describes how the gravity of a…

15 years ago