Using Gravity to Find Planets in the Habitable Zone


Astronomers have several techniques to discover planets. But one of the least used so far, gravitational microlensing, might be just the right technique to find planets in the habitable zone of nearby dwarf stars.

The first way astronomers find planets is with the radial velocity technique. This is where the gravity of a heavy planet yanks its parent star around so that the wobbling motion too and fro can be measured.

The second technique is through transits. This is where a planet dims the light coming from its parent star as it passes in front. By subtracting the light from when the planet isn’t in front of the star, astronomers can even measure its atmosphere.

The third way is through gravitational microlensing. When two stars are perfectly lined up, the closer star acts as a natural lens, brightening the light from the more distant star. Here on Earth, we see a star brighten in a very characteristic way, and then dim down again. A blip in the change of brightness can be attributed to a planet.

Geometry of a lensing event.
Unlike the other two methods, microlensing allows you to reach out and see planets at tremendous distances – even clear across the galaxy. The problem with microlensing is that it’s a one-time opportunity. You’re never going to see those stars line up in just the same way again.

But Rosanne Di Stefano and Christopher Night from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA think there’s another way microlensing could be used. In their research paper entitled, Discovery and Study ofNearby Habitable Planets with Mesolensing, the researchers propose that many stars have a high probability of becoming a lens.

Instead of watching the sky, hoping to see a lensing event, you watch specific stars and wait for them to pass in front of a more distant star.

These high-probablility lenses are known as mesolenses. By studying a large number of dwarf stars, they expect that many of them should pass in front of a more distant star as often as once a year. And if pick your targets carefully, like dwarf stars moving in front of the Magellanic Clouds, you might get even more opportunities.

Unlike other methods of planet detection, gravitational lensing relies on light from a more distant star. It is therefore important to ask what fraction of nearby dwarfs will pass in front of bright sources and so can be studied with lensing. Within 50 pc, there are approximately 2 dwarf stars, primarily M dwarfs, per square degree.

For less massive red dwarf stars, you should be able to see them at a distance of 30 light years, and for Sun-mass stars out to a distance of 3,000 light years. These stars are close enough that if a planet is detected in the habitable zone, followup techniques should be possible to confirm the discovery.

They calculated that there are approximately 200 dwarf stars passing in front of the Magellanic Clouds right now. And many of these will have lensing events with the stars in the dwarf galaxies.

Large Magellanic Cloud. Image credit: NASA
Instead of monitoring specific stars, previous surveys have just watched tens of millions of stars per night – hoping for any kind of lensing event. Even though 3,500 microlensing candidates have been discovered so far, they tend to be with stars at extreme ranges. Even if there were planets there, they wouldn’t show up in the observations.

But if you pick your stars carefully, and then watch them for lensing events, the researchers believe you should see that brightening on a regular basis. You could even see the same star brighten several times, and make follow-up observations on its planets.

And there’s another advantage. Both the radial velocity and transit methods rely on the planet and star being perfectly lined up from our vantage point. But a microlensing event still works, even if the planetary system is seen face on.

By using this technique, the researchers think that astronomers should turn up lensing events on a regular basis. Some of these stars will have planets, and some of these planets will be in their star’s habitable zone.

Original Source: Arxiv

Searching for Objects Even Stranger Than Black Holes


Black holes are already plenty bizarre. Imagine all the mass of several suns compressed down into an object of potentially infinitely small size. But what if you could find an object that’s even stranger: a theoretical “naked singularity”; a black hole spinning so quickly that it lacks an event horizon. A point in space where the density is infinite, yet still visible from the outside.

Here’s the current thinking on black holes. They’re formed when a large star collapses in on itself, lacking the outward pressure to counteract the inward pull of gravity. Once the object reaches a certain size its pull becomes so great that nothing, not even light can escape. The black hole surrounds itself in a shroud of darkness called the event horizon. Any object or radiation that passes through this event horizon is inevitably sucked down into the black hole. And that’s why they’re thought to be black.

But what if that’s not always correct? What if there are circumstances where black holes might not be black at all? It would take some serious spinning, however.

All the black holes discovered so far are thought to be spinning, sometimes more than 1,000 times a second. But in theory, if you could get a black hole spinning ludicrously fast, so that the angular momentum of its spin overcomes the gravitational pull of its mass, it should be able to shed its event horizon. A black hole with 10 times the mass of our Sun would need to be spinning a few thousand times a second.

And here’s the cool part. According to researchers from Duke University and Cambridge, an object spinning like this should be detectable by its gravitational lensing. This is where a massive object, like a black hole, acts like a natural lens to focus the light from a more distant object. If the researchers are right, astronomers should be able to see a telltale signature on the lensed light using existing instruments (or those coming soon).

Their research was published in the September 24th issue of the research journal Physical Review D.

Original Source: Duke University News Release

Most Distant Galaxies Ever Seen


Astronomers announced today that they’ve located the most distant galaxies ever seen, 13.2 billion light-years away, formed when the Universe was only 500 million years old.

Galaxies that far away can’t easily be seen directly with current telescopes. Instead, the researchers turned massive clusters of galaxies into natural telescopes, using a technique called gravitational lensing. As the light from the more distant galaxies passed the galaxy clusters, it was bent by gravity towards the Earth.

This allowed the (already powerful) 10-metre Keck II telescope to capture additional photons, and measure these distant galaxies. The researchers were able to locate 6 faint star forming galaxies, thanks to the assistance of the gravitational lens, which boosted the signal by about 20 times.

When the Universe was only 300,000 years old, it entered a period called the Dark Ages when no stars were shining. Astronomers have been trying to pinpoint the moment when it came out of this opaque period, and the first stars formed. The combined radiation of these galaxies should be strong enough to break apart the hydrogen atoms around them, ending the Dark Ages. So astronomers could be seeing these galaxies at the moment the Dark Ages ended.

Original Source:Caltech

Spitzer Locates a Binary Pair of Black Holes


A clever trick has enabled NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope to calculate the distance to a distant object, confirming that it’s part of our Milky Way. An even more intriguing finding is that the object is probably a binary pair of black holes, orbiting one another – an extremely rare thing to see.

The Spitzer Space Telescope is the only space telescope that orbits the Sun behind the Earth. It’s already 70 million km (40 million miles), and it’s drifting further away every year. This distance between Spitzer and the Earth allows astronomers to look at an object from two different perspectives. Just like our two eyes give us depth perception, two telescopes can measure the distance to an object.

Astronomers noticed that something was causing a star to brighten. The speed and intensity of this brightening matched a gravitational lensing event, where a foreground object’s gravity focuses the light from a more distant star. They imaged the lensing event from here on Earth, but they also called Spitzer into duty to watch as well. Data from the two sources were combined together to determine that the lensing object is inside our galactic halo, and therefore part of its mass.

The light curve of the gravitational lens has led the researchers to believe that they’re looking at two compact objects orbiting one another, quite possibly a binary pair of black holes. It’s also possible that it’s just a pair of regular stars in a neighbouring, satellite galaxy.

Original Source: Spitzer News Release

Podcast: Gravitational Lensing


Astronomers are always trying to get their hands on bigger and more powerful telescopes. But the most powerful telescopes in the Universe are completely natural, and the size of a galaxy cluster. When you use the gravity of a galaxy as a lens, you can peer right back to the edges of the observable Universe.

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How Dark Matter Might Have Snuffed Out the First Stars


What role did dark matter play in the early Universe? Since it makes up the majority of matter, it must have some effect. A team of researchers is proposing that massive quantities of dark matter formed dark stars in the early Universe, preventing the first generations of stars from entering their main sequence stage. Instead of burning with hydrogen fusion, these “dark stars” were heated by the annihilation of dark matter.

And these dark stars might still be out there.

Just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the Universe cooled enough for first matter to coalesce out of a superheated cloud of ionized gas. Gravity took hold and this early matter came together to form the first stars. But these weren’t stars as we know them today. They contained almost entirely hydrogen and helium, grew to tremendous masses, and then detonated as supernovae. Each successive generation of supernovae seeded the Universe with heavier elements, created through the nuclear fusion of these early stars.

Dark matter dominated the early Universe too, hovering around normal matter in great halos, concentrating it together with its gravity. As the first stars gathered together inside these halos of dark matter, a process known as molecular hydrogen cooling helped them collapse down into stars.

Or, that’s what astronomers commonly believe.

But a team of researchers from the US think that dark matter wasn’t just interacting through its gravity, it was right there in the thick of things. Their research is published in the paper “Dark matter and the first stars: a new phase of stellar evolution“. Particles of dark matter compressed together began to annihilate, generating massive amounts of heat, and overwhelming this molecular hydrogen cooling mechanism. Hydrogen fusion was halted, and a new stellar phase – a “dark star” – began. Massive balls of hydrogen and helium powered by dark matter annihilation, instead of nuclear fusion.

If these dark stars are stable enough, it’s possible that they could still exist today. That would mean that an early population of stars never reached the Main Sequence stage, and still live in this aborted process, sustained by the annihilation of dark matter. As the dark matter is consumed in the reaction, additional dark matter from surrounding regions could flow in to keep the core heated, and hydrogen fusion might never get a chance to take over.

Dark stars might not be so long lasting, however. The fusion from regular matter might eventually overwhelm the dark matter annihilation reaction. Its evolution into a regular star wouldn’t be halted, only delayed.

How could astronomers search for these dark stars?

They would be very large, with a core radius larger than 1 AU (the distance from the Earth to the Sun), so they might be candidates for gravitational lensing experiments. These observations use the gravity from nearby galaxies to serve as an artificial telescope to focus the light from a more distant object. This is the best technique astronomers have to find the most distant objects.

They could also be detectable by the annihilation products of the dark matter. If the nature of dark matter matches the Weakly Interacting Massive Particles theory, its annihilation would give off very specific radiation and particles in large quantities. Astronomers could look for gamma-rays, neutrinos, and antimatter.

A third way to detect them would be to search for a delay in the transition to the Main Sequence stage for the early stars. The dark stars could have interrupted this stage for millions of years, leading to an unusual gap in stellar evolution.

Perhaps these dark stars will give astronomers the evidence they need to finally know what dark matter really is.

Original Source: Dark matter and the first stars: a new phase of stellar evolution

Use Galactic Gravitational Lenses to Really See the Universe

Galactic lens in action. Image credit: CFHTTo see any distance in space, you need some kind of telescope. We’ve got some pretty powerful ones here on Earth, but nature has us beat with gravitational lenses. This is a phenomenon when a relatively nearby object passes directly between us and a more distant object. The gravity from the nearby object acts as like a telescope lens to bend light and magnify the more distant object.
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Astronomers Peer Inside a Quasar

Quasars are some of the brightest objects in the Universe, and astronomers believe they’re caused by the outpouring of radiation from the environment around an actively feeding supermassive black hole. New research using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory has looked inside a quasar, to see the disk of material spiraling into the black hole. Astronomers used the gravity from a relatively nearby galaxy as a gravitational lens to focus the light from the more distant quasar, giving this impressive view.
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Galaxy Collision Separates Out the Dark Matter

There’s more dark matter than regular matter in the Universe, and they’re normally all mixed up together in galaxies. But astronomers using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory have found a situation where dark matter and normal matter can be wrenched apart. In a collision between giant galaxy clusters, hot gas clouds in the clusters encounter friction as they pass through one another, separating them from the stars. The dark matter isn’t affected by this friction either, so astronomers were able to calculate the effect of its gravity on regular matter.
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Hubble Finds an Exoplanet’s Parent Star

When a star flared briefly, astronomers knew it was because a dimmer star had passed directly in front, acting as a lens with its gravity to focus light. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find the star. This was important, because the brief microlensing event also turned up the fact that this lensing star has a planet. Astronomers have used the power of the Hubble Space Telescope to find this dim star two years after the lensing event. Identifying the star is critical, because it allows astronomers to measure its unique characteristics, such as mass, temperature and composition.
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