When stars reach the end of their life cycle, they shed their outer layers in a supernova. What is left…
The gravitational wave background was first detected in 2016. It was announced following the release of the first data set…
Gravitational wave astronomy has been one of the hottest new types of astronomy ever since the LIGO consortium officially detected…
Any event in the cosmos generates gravitational waves, the bigger the event, the more disturbance. Events where black holes and…
Scientists detected the first long-predicted gravitational wave in 2015, and since then, researchers have been hungering for better detectors. But…
Astronomers routinely explore the universe using different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum from the familiar visible light to radio waves…
In the very early universe, physics was weird. A process known as "inflation," where best we understand the universe went…
A supernova explosion is a cataclysmic explosion that marks the violent end of a massive star’s life. During the event,…
Humans are born wonderers. We're always wondering about the next valley over, the next horizon, what we'll understand next about…
In 2017, astronomers detected gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars for the first time: a kilonova. Enormous amounts of heavy…