Guide to Space

Is There Water on Venus?

[/caption] When astronomers first pointed their rudimentary telescopes at Venus, they saw a world shrouded in clouds. Here on Earth,…

15 years ago

How Long Does it Take to Get to Venus?

[/caption] Although humans have never made the voyage, spacecraft from Earth have visited Venus. So, how long does it take…

15 years ago

Weight on Venus

[/caption] Want to lose some weight? Travel to Venus and you'll feel lighter right away. Well, the high temperatures, intense…

15 years ago

Inside of Venus

From our perspective here on Earth, Venus is completely covered in clouds. So what's inside Venus? For most of history,…

15 years ago

Core of Venus

Venus is a tricky place to study because it's shrouded in a thick atmosphere that hides its surface. And if…

15 years ago

Geology of Venus

Take a look at Venus in even the most powerful telescope, and all you'll see is clouds. There are no…

15 years ago

Circumference of Venus

[/caption] The average circumference of Venus is 38,025 km. Need some comparison? The average circumference of Earth is 40,041 km.…

15 years ago

Density of Venus

The density of Venus is 5.204 grams per cubic centimeter. Need some kind of comparison? The density of Earth is…

15 years ago

Axis of Venus

[/caption] The axial tilt of Venus is 177.3°. That's a bit of a confusing number, so let's figure out what's…

15 years ago


[/caption] A planetesimal is an object formed from dust, rock, and other materials. The word has its roots in the…

15 years ago