Guide to Space

Symbols of the Planets

In our long history of staring up at the stars, human beings have assigned various qualities, names, and symbols for…

15 years ago

Orbits of the Planets

[/caption] Centuries ago, people believed that the Earth was the center of the Solar System. Slowly, that view was replaced…

15 years ago

What are the Sizes of the Planets?

It is often difficult to grasp just how large the planets actually are. There are a number of ways to…

15 years ago

Alpha Particle

An alpha particle is a particle made up of two protons and two neutrons. Since this configuration is similar to…

15 years ago

Weight on Other Planets

[/caption] Many children, and even adults, dream of visiting other planets and wonder what it would be like to stand…

15 years ago

Exploration of Mercury

[/caption] As one of the planets visible with the unaided eye, Mercury has been known before recorded history. But until…

15 years ago

First Rocket

[/caption] Rocketry is actually older than many people think. The first rockets originated in China and subsequently the Middle East…

15 years ago

What is the Gravitational Constant?

The gravitational constant is the proportionality constant used in Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, and is commonly denoted by G.…

15 years ago

What is Entropy?

Perhaps there's no better way to understand entropy than to grasp the second law of thermodynamics, and vice versa. This…

15 years ago

Acceleration Due to Gravity

[/caption]The acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration of a body due to the influence of the pull of gravity…

15 years ago