Guide to Space

Earth’s Outer Core

[/caption] Deep within the Earth, thousands of kilometers below your feet is the core of the Earth. Once thought to…

15 years ago

Earth’s Inner Core

[/caption] Deep beneath the Earth lies the core. This is a ball of solid metal surrounded by liquid metal. The…

15 years ago

Core of the Earth

[/caption] Scientists believe that deep down inside the Earth, there's a huge ball of liquid and solid iron. This is…

15 years ago

Earth’s Early Atmosphere

[/caption] The atmosphere we enjoy today is radically different from the atmosphere that formed with the Earth billions of years…

15 years ago

Composition of the Earth’s Atmosphere

Breathe in and you can appreciate that the Earth's atmosphere has everything needed to support life on Earth. But what's…

15 years ago

Size of the Earth

[/caption] The size of Earth, like the size of all of the celestial bodies, is measured in a number of…

15 years ago

Circumference of the Earth

The circumference of the Earth in kilometers is 40,075 km, and the circumference of the Earth in miles is 24,901.…

15 years ago

Is the Earth Round?

The Earth isn't flat, that's for sure. And if you look at a photograph, the Earth really looks round. But…

15 years ago

The Milky Way Spiral

[/caption] If you've seen an image of the Milky Way from above or below, you will certainly notice that it…

15 years ago

Why Does Jupiter Have the Great Red Spot?

Frequently, readers send us questions here on Universe Today. One very good question is ''why does Jupiter have the Great…

15 years ago