Guide to Space

Ursa Minor

[/caption] The northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor was one of the 48 original constellations listed by Ptolemy, and remains…

15 years ago

Ursa Major

[/caption] The northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major is perhaps one of the oldest and most recognized of all. Listed…

15 years ago

What is the Surface of Saturn Like?

Saturn is a ball made up almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. The density and temperature changes the deeper into…

15 years ago


[/caption] The southern constellation of Tucana was first introduced in 1589 by Petrus Plancius on a celestial globe which was…

15 years ago

Triangulum Australe

[/caption] The small southern constellation of Triangulum Australe was first introduced in 1589 by Petrus Plancius on a celestial globe…

15 years ago


[/caption] Triangulum, located just north of the ecliptic plane, was one of the 48 original constellations listed by Ptolemy, and…

15 years ago

What is the Atmosphere Like on Saturn?

Like the rest of the planet, the atmosphere of Saturn is made up approximately 75% hydrogen and 25% helium, with…

15 years ago


[/caption] The small constellation of Telescopium is located just south of the ecliptic plane and was originally charted by Abbe…

15 years ago

Rotation of Jupiter

[/caption] Jupiter has the fastest rotation of all the planets in the Solar System, completing one rotation on its axis…

15 years ago

The Milky Way from Earth

[/caption] If you look up into the night sky on a very clear night, in an area with very little…

15 years ago