Guide to Space

What is the Weather like on Venus?

The weather on Venus is incredibly hostile, characterized by extreme temperatures, acid rain, lightning storms and powerful winds.

8 years ago

The Canes Venatici Constellation

In the northern sky, bordered by Ursa Major and Boötes, lies the small constellation of Canes Venatici, one of the…

8 years ago

What are Leptons?

According to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, all matter is composed is hadrons (which are made up of elementary…

8 years ago

Who was Giovanni Cassini?

For his contributions to the field of astronomy, Giovanni Domenico Cassini is considered to be one of the most important…

8 years ago

Who Was The First Woman To Go Into Space?

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to go into space, blazing a trail for all the female astronauts and cosmonauts…

8 years ago

What Are Multiple Star Systems?

Not all stars are alone. Some come in pairs and more. And when there are multiple stars in a system,…

8 years ago

Messier 28 – The NGC 6626 Globular Cluster

Located in the direction of the Sagittarius Constellation, roughly17,900 light-years from Earth, lies the globular cluster known as Messier 28.

8 years ago

What is Cydonia?

The Cydonia region of Mars has been the subject of scientific and popular curiosity for decades, thanks mainly to its…

8 years ago

What If We Do Find Aliens?

We've been so busy wondering how we'll find aliens that we never stopped to consider what we'll do if we…

8 years ago

What is the CERN Particle Accelerator?

Located beneath the border between France and Switzerland is the CERN Particle Accelerator, the largest instrument of its kind in…

8 years ago