Guide to Space

What Happens When Galaxies Collide?

In about 4 billion years, the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies will collide. Known as a galactic merger, this process…

8 years ago

How Many Dogs Have Been to Space?

During the early Space Race, both the American and Soviet space programs conducted tests flights using animals. In the Soviet's…

8 years ago

What Does Earth Look like from Mars?

Earth has been photographed multiple times from Mars, both from orbit (by orbital missions) and from the surface (rover missions).

8 years ago

Where Can I Take Off My Space Helmet?

When it comes to space helmets, there's one rule: you keep your helmet on. But there might be a couple…

8 years ago

What is Carbon Dating?

Radiocarbon dating (aka. carbon dating) measures the half-life of carbon-14, which occurs naturally in our atmosphere, to determine the age…

8 years ago

What is Absolute Zero?

Absolute Zero is the coldest possible temperature, the point at which you can no longer extract any energy from a…

8 years ago

What is a Total Eclipse?

A total eclipses is an amazing sight, occurring whenever the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth (or the…

8 years ago

How Can You see the Northern Lights?

The northern lights are an amazing thing to behold, and can be seen regularly from locations spanning from Siberia and…

8 years ago

What is a Debris Flow?

Debris flows are fast-moving landslides made up of liquefied, unconsolidated, and saturated mass. They are one of the most dangerous…

8 years ago

How Can We Save The Sun?

Bad news, our Sun is living on borrowed time. It’s only got a few billion years left. But there might…

8 years ago