Guide to Space

How Cold Are Black Holes?

Black holes absorb everything that falls into them, including photons of light and heat. So what does it mean to…

8 years ago

What is the Largest Desert on Earth?

Despite what you might think, the largest desert in the world is actually in Antarctica. In addition to being the…

8 years ago

What is the Speed of Light?

Since the late 17th century, scientists have been attempting to measure the speed of light, with increasingly accurate results

8 years ago

What Are The Lagrange Points?

There are places in the Solar System where the forces of gravity balance out perfectly. Places we can use to…

8 years ago

What are the Planets of the Solar System?

The eight planets of the Solar System are a diverse and interesting bunch, ranging from airless and habitable terrestrial bodies…

8 years ago

Will Our Black Hole Eat the Milky Way?

As soon as you learn about the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, your next thought…

8 years ago

How Close Can Moons Orbit?

The Moon is our constant companion, shining away in the night. But how close could the Moon get before it's…

8 years ago

How Many Moons are in the Solar System?

Contrary to what was once believed, the Solar System is home to hundreds of moons. Beyond Earth, there are many…

8 years ago

What Are Magnetars?

Magnetars are neutron stars with massively boosted magnetic fields. How do this stellar remnants form, and what would happen if…

8 years ago

Messier 22 – The Sagittarius Nebula

In the direction Sagittarius constellation, some 14,000 light years from Earth, lies the bright Sagittarius globular star cluster (aka. Messier…

8 years ago