Guide to Space

Falcon Heavy Vs. Saturn V

A comparison between the rocket that delivered the Apollo astronauts to the Moon, and the one that promises to deliver…

8 years ago

How Big is the Great Red Spot?

Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot is a huge cyclonic storm big enough to swallow the Earth. But it’s been getting…

8 years ago

How Fast Does Venus Rotate?

Venus' orbit has some strange properties, which includes taking 243.025 days to rotate once, and the fact that it rotates…

8 years ago

What Does the Universe Do When We’re Not Looking?

Some of the greatest discoveries in astronomy have been made by watching how the skies change over time. Today we…

8 years ago

Messier 19 (M19) – The NGC 6273 Globular Cluster

Located in the constellation of Ophiuchus, some 28,700,000 light years from Earth, lies the faint globular cluster known as Messier…

8 years ago

Jupiter Compared to Earth

A look at the Solar Systems largest planet (Jupiter) and how it stacks up in terms of size, mass, satellites,…

8 years ago

The Constellation Boötes

In the northern skies, flanked by the Big Dipper, lies the Bootes constellation, one of the traditional constellations listed by…

8 years ago

What is Galileo’s Telescope?

Galileo's telescope, an instrument he made himself and used to revolutionize astronomy, still manages to inspire us today

8 years ago

Where is Earth in the Milky Way?

The Milky Way Galaxy is a very, very big place. And figuring out where Earth resides inside of it has…

8 years ago

How Fast Can Stars Spin?

Stars can spin faster or slower than the Sun. What’s the fastest that’s ever been discovered, and what’s the fastest…

8 years ago