Guide to Space

What is Halley’s Comet? Halley’s Comet, also known as 1P/Halley, is the most well known comet in the Solar System. As a periodic…

9 years ago

How Low Can You Orbit?

The Earth’s atmosphere is a total drag, especially if you’re trying to orbit our planet. So how low can you…

9 years ago

What are the Galilean Moons?

It's no accident that Jupiter shares its name with the king of the gods. In addition to being the largest…

9 years ago

What are the Different Types of Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is becoming an increasingly important issue in today’s world. In addition to the rising cost of fossil fuels…

9 years ago

What are Gravitational Waves?

When massive objects crash into each other, there should be a release of gravitational waves. So what are these things…

9 years ago

What Does NASA Stand For?

Chances are that if you have lived on this planet for the past half-century, you've heard of NASA. As the…

9 years ago

Uranus’ Moon Umbriel

The 19th century was an auspicious time for astronomers and planet hunters. In addition to the discovery of the Asteroid…

9 years ago

How Do Galaxies Die?

Everything eventually dies, even galaxies. So how does that happen? Time to come to grips with our galactic mortality. Not…

9 years ago

Who Are The Most Famous Astronauts?

Since the beginning of the Space Age, men and woman from all over the world have become famous astronauts and…

9 years ago

How Can We Live on Mars?

It is possible that humanity might one day live on Mars, but it would be quite the challenge. So what…

9 years ago