
Watch for the Delta Aquarid Meteors This Weekend

The meteor shower drought ends this weekend. The northern summer hemisphere meteor season is almost upon us. In a few…

11 years ago

Remembering the Great Meteor Procession of 1860

“Year of meteors! Brooding year!”  -Walt Whitman July 20th is a red letter date in space history. Apollo 11, the…

11 years ago

Seeing Red: Hunting Herschel’s Garnet Star

Quick, what’s the reddest star visible to the naked eye? Depending on your sky conditions, your answer may well be…

11 years ago

Buzz Aldrin is on a Mission (to Mars), Part 1

Buzz Aldrin, celebrated Apollo astronaut and an outspoken champion for the pursuit of space exploration has written a new book…

11 years ago

Debunking Comet ISON Conspiracy Theories (No, ISON is Not Nibiru)

Comets always seem to bring ‘em out of the wood work. There’s a scene from the 1998 movie Deep Impact…

11 years ago

Stonehenge Was An Ancient Burial Ground For the Rich: Study

The site of Stonehenge -- that mysterious collection of British rocks that could have served as a calendar using the…

11 years ago

Incredible Astrophoto: Space Station Flies Over Stonehenge

In a gorgeous mix of archeology and space exploration, photographer Tim Burgess captured a stunning view of the International Space…

11 years ago

The Curious History of the Lyrid Meteor Shower

Today we residents of planet Earth meet up with a meteor stream with a strange and bizarre past. The Lyrid…

11 years ago

Mysterious Moon Flashes: Could the Transient Lunar Phenomena be Linked to the Solar Cycle?

A key mystery in observational lunar astronomy may be at least partially resolved. An interesting study appeared recently in the…

11 years ago

What are You Doing for Yuri’s Night?

Yuri’s Night commemorates two space milestones in history that both occurred on April 12: in 1961, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made…

11 years ago