
Was the Repeating Passage of Halley’s Comet Known of in Ancient Times?

An interesting and largely unknown tale of ancient astronomy recently came our way while reading author and astrophysicist Mario Livio’s…

11 years ago

Are Our Textbooks Wrong? Astronomers Clash Over Hubble’s Legacy

“No scientific discovery is named after its discoverer," - Stigler/Merton. Edwin Hubble's contributions to astronomy earned him the honor of having…

11 years ago

Astronomical Pranks of April Fools’ Past

The first day of April is always a traditional time for pranks and puns, and astronomers and scientists aren’t above…

11 years ago

Extreme Telescopes: Unique Observatories Around the World

In 1888, astronomer Simon Newcomb uttered now infamous words, stating that “We are probably nearing the limit of all we…

11 years ago

Citizen Science, Old-School Style: The True Tale of Operation Moonwatch

Amateur astronomers have done more than just watch the skies, they've been a national security asset. In the mid-1950’s, it was realized…

12 years ago

Live from 1969: Apollo 9 Returns Home

“On the success of Apollo 9 mission hangs the hope for future manned missions to the Moon,” said famous CBS…

12 years ago

Light-travel-time Effect Finds New Astronomical Applications

Sometimes the tried and true methods are still the best, even in observational astronomy. Researchers at the University of Prague…

12 years ago

Mercury’s False Moon: The Mercury/Mars Planetary Conjunction this Weekend

[/caption] The history of astronomy is littered with astronomical objects in the solar system that have fallen to the wayside.…

12 years ago

Remembrances and Reflections: Sir Patrick Moore 1923 – 2012

Sir Patrick Moore. Credit: sirpatrickmoore.com Astronomers, both professional and amateur, throughout the world, were saddened yesterday to hear of the…

12 years ago

Sir Patrick Moore Dies at Age 89

Astronomer, author and television personality Sir Patrick Moore has died. He was 89. A statement from friends and staff from…

12 years ago