
Bloostar: Launching Satellites via Balloon

The space startup company Infinity2Space moves closer to the concept of Bloostar, or launching satellites into orbit via balloon.

8 years ago

Looking for Canada’s Next Generation of Space Explorers

With a long history of contributing to space exploration, the Canadian Space Agency is looking for the next generation of…

8 years ago

Viking: Remembering Humanity’s First Successful Mission On Mars Surface

We toast the 40th anniversary of the dual Viking missions to Mars this week. Time to celebrate an achievement that…

8 years ago

Mysterious Greek Device Found To Be Astronomical Computer

A decade of high-tech scanning has confirmed that the Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient astronomical computer.

9 years ago

Tutankhamun’s Meteorite Blade

The Egyptian boy-king's blade was made 600 years before Egypt had iron-smelting technology.

9 years ago

This Friday: The Moon Meets Mercury in the Dawn Sky

Watch that Moon this weekend, as it crosses the dawn sky, meets up with Mercury, and ushers in Ramadan 2016.

9 years ago

A May Full ‘Blue Moon’ on Tap For This Weekend?

Why this weekend's Full Moon is considered 'blue'... but not in the usual sense.

9 years ago

An Old Glass Plate Hints at a Potential New Exoplanet Discovery

How astronomers found an potentially new and exciting exoplanetary system lurking on a glass plate stored away for nearly a…

9 years ago

April 12, 1961: The First Human in Space

On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space.

9 years ago

Teasing the Galactic Ghoul, Past and Present

The close call experienced by the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter is only one of the most recent brushes with catastrophe…

9 years ago