Live Broadcasts

Virtual Star Party – Jan. 6, 2013: The One Year Anniversary Edition

The Virtual Star Party is one year old. Well, not the Virtual Star Party itself, but our efforts to broadcast…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – Nov. 4, 2012: The Blue Snowball Edition

Another fantastic Virtual Star Party, with 5 telescopes revealing an amazing view of the night sky. We saw several favorite…

12 years ago

Virtual Star Party – Oct. 28, 2012: Hurricane Sandy Edition

Another West Coast centric edition of the Virtual Star Party. Not because of a lack of volunteers, but because while…

12 years ago

Can a New Camera Unravel the Nature of Dark Energy?

The 570 megapixel Dark Energy Camera. Credit: Fermilab Scientists have great expectations for the newly operational Dark Energy Camera, which…

12 years ago

Watch Live: Felix Baumgartner’s Record Breaking Jump Attempt

UPDATE: The launch/jump attempt for Felix Baumgartner and the Red Bull Stratos mission on October 9 has been aborted due…

12 years ago

Virtual Star Party – Oct. 7, 2012: West Coast Edition

Only the West Coast of North America was represented in our Virtual Star Party this week. We had astronomers in…

12 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Oct. 4, 2012

It was a slow week on Space news except for the massive announcement that an ancient riverbed was discovered on…

12 years ago

Virtual Star Party – Sep. 30, 2012: Breaking the Rules Edition

We had another fantastic Virtual Star Party Sunday night, with a packed crew of astronomers, including a new face: Bill…

12 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Sept. 27, 2012

This was an action-packed episode of the Weekly Space Hangout. Lots of stories, very little time. Super Comet or Super…

12 years ago

Virtual Star Party – Sep. 23, 2012: The Friendly Competition Edition

In this week's Virtual Star Party, we took a last peek at some objects low on the horizon, and then…

12 years ago