Mars Science Laboratory

Curiosity Crosses Dingo Gap Dune – Gateway to ‘Moonlight Valley’ and Mountain Destinations Beyond

Curiosity scans Moonlight Valley beyond Dingo Gap Dune. Curiosity’s view to “Moonlight Valley” beyond after crossing over ‘Dingo Gap’ sand…

11 years ago

You are Here! Curiosity’s 1st Photo of Home Planet Earth from Mars

You are here! - As an Evening Star in the Martian Sky This evening-sky view taken by NASA's Mars rover…

11 years ago

New Interactive Panorama Shows Curiosity’s View from the Dingo Gap Sand Dune

Mars Panorama - Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 530 in world "Red Rover, Red Rover, I'm looking right over... this…

11 years ago

Holy Wheels, Sharp Rocks Force NASA’s Curiosity rover to Seek Smoother Pathway to Mount Sharp

Up close photomosaic view shows lengthy tear in rover Curiosity’s left front wheel caused by recent driving over sharp edged…

11 years ago

Spirit and Opportunity Top 10 Decade 1 Discoveries – Top Rover Scientist Tells Universe Today

A Top 10 Decade 1 Discovery by NASA's Twin Mars Exploration Rovers Carbonate-Containing Martian Rocks discovered by Spirit Mars Rover…

11 years ago

Foom! Flaming Rocket Sled Tests Parachute For Mars Spacecraft

Watch the video above to the two-minute mark (and beyond) and we guarantee a brilliant start to your Friday. "Enter…

11 years ago

NEOWISE Spots Mars-Crossing Comet

One of the big ticket astronomical events of 2014 will be the close passage of Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring past…

11 years ago

Opportunity Discovers That Oldest Rocks Reveal Best Chance for Martian Life

After a decade of roving relentlessly on the Red Planet, NASA’s Opportunity rover discovered rocks that preserve the best evidence…

11 years ago

Opportunity Rover Starts 2nd Decade by Spectacular Mountain Summit and Mineral Goldmine

Opportunity by Solander Point peak – 2nd Mars Decade Starts here! NASA’s Opportunity rover captured this panoramic mosaic on Dec.…

11 years ago

HiRISE Spots Curiosity Rover and Tracks from Orbit

Amazing, the things a birds-eye view allows you to see. Here's a color image from the HiRISE camera on board…

11 years ago