Mars Science Laboratory

Curiosity rover Embarks on Epic Trek To Mount Sharp

NASA’s Curiosity rover has at last begun her epic trek to the layered slopes of mysterious Mount Sharp - the…

11 years ago

Curiosity Captures ‘Phobos Rising’ Movie and Sun Setting on Mars

Mars moon Phobos (above, center) rising in the night time Martian sky shortly after sunset in this still image from…

11 years ago

Opportunity Approaching Mountain Climbing Goal and Signs of Habitable Martian Environment

Opportunity rover captures spectacular view ahead to her upcoming mountain climbing goal, the raised rim of “Solander Point” at right,…

11 years ago

Spectacular Billion Pixel Panorama from NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover

This is a cropped, reduced version of panorama from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity with 1.3 billion pixels in the full-resolution…

11 years ago

Final Construction Starts for Europe’s 2016 Methane Sniffing Mars Mission

Has life ever existed on Mars? Or anywhere beyond Earth? Answering that question is one of the most profound scientific…

11 years ago

Curiosity Gets Set for Epic Drive after Laser Blasting Mars Watery Secrets

Ten months after her breathtaking touchdown on the Red Planet, NASA’s Curiosity rover is nearly set to embark on an…

11 years ago

Opportunity Rover Discovers Martian Habitable Zone Favorable for Pre-biotic Chemistry

On the cusp of the 10th anniversary since launching to the Red Planet, NASA’s long lived Opportunity rover has discovered…

11 years ago

10 Years & Top 10 Discoveries from Marvelous Mars Express

This week marks the 10th anniversary since the launch of the European Space Agencies’ (ESA) Mars Express orbiter from the…

11 years ago

Human Voyages to Mars Pose Higher Cancer Risks

New measurements of the energetic space radiation environment present in interplanetary space taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover confirm what has…

11 years ago