Mars Science Laboratory

Curiosity Drills 2nd Hole into Ancient Mars Rocks Searching for the Ingredients of Life

NASA’s Curiosity rover has just successfully bored inside ancient rocks on Mars for only the 2nd time since her nail…

11 years ago

Drill, Baby, Drill! – How Does Curiosity ‘Do It’ Video Caption: This JPL video shows the complicated choreography to get drill samples to Curiosity's instruments as she prepares…

11 years ago

Opportunity Mars Rover Blazes Past 40 Year Old Space Driving Record

Now more than 9 years and counting into her planned mere 90 day mission to Mars, NASA’s legendary Opportunity rover…

11 years ago

Curiosity Reaches Out with Martian Handshake and Contemplates New Drilling at Habitable Site

NASA’s Curiosity rover reaches out in ‘handshake’ like gesture to welcome the end of solar conjunction and resumption of contact…

11 years ago

Send Your Name and a Haiku Poem to Mars on a Solar Winged MAVEN

Do you want to go to Mars? Well here’s your chance to get connected for a double barreled dose of…

11 years ago

Mars Armada Resumes Contact with NASA – Ready to Rock ‘n Roll n’ Drill

Curiosity accomplished historic 1st drilling into Martian rock at John Klein outcrop on Feb 8, 2013 (Sol 182), shown in…

11 years ago

New Interactive Panorama from the Curiosity Rover

Above is a recent 3-D version of a panoramic view from NASA of the Curiosity Mars rover, made from dozens…

11 years ago

What are You Doing for Yuri’s Night?

Yuri’s Night commemorates two space milestones in history that both occurred on April 12: in 1961, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made…

11 years ago