
Mars Express Finds Auroras on Mars

ESA's Mars Express spacecraft has spotted evidence of auroras over the night time side of Mars. These auroras make v-shaped…

19 years ago

Dig a Big Hole on Mars to Search for Life

One of the best places to look for life on Mars might be underneath its surface, in vast underground fields…

19 years ago

Channels and Pits on Mars

This photograph shows the amazing pits and ?grabens? in the Phlegethon Catena region of Mars. These are regions of terrain…

19 years ago

Claritas Fossae on Mars

This is an image of the Claritas Fossae region on the surface of Mars. The photograph was taken by ESA's…

19 years ago

System Maps Microfossils in 3-D

Paleobiologists have produced 3-D images of ancient fossils - 650 to 850 million years old - embedded within rocks. This…

19 years ago

Opportunity Begins Its Third Year on Mars

NASA's Opportunity rover began its third year of operations on the surface of Mars today. Opportunity and its partner Spirit…

19 years ago

Icy Martian Glaciers

Photographs taken of the surface of Mars show evidence that glaciers once scoured away at its surface. Since the Red…

19 years ago

Juventae Chasma on Mars

This image, taken by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft, shows Juventae Chasma, in the Lunae Planum region of…

19 years ago

When a Meteor Slashed Mars

This image, taken by ESA's Mars Express spacecraft, shows an unusually shaped impact crater Hesperia Planum region of Mars. The…

19 years ago

Lakebed on Mars Wasn’t So Watery In the Past

The Meridiani Planum region on Mars is currently the home of NASA's Opportunity Rover. But scientists believe that the entire…

19 years ago