
At One Time, This Region of Mars was Inundated by a “Megaflood”

A new study of the Curiosity rover's data has show that the Gale Crater once experienced massive flooding, bolstering the…

4 years ago

Mars Might Have Lost its Water Quickly

Mars is an arid place, and aside from a tiny amount of water vapour in the atmosphere, all water exists…

4 years ago

A High Resolution, Cross-Eyed Look at the Entire Surface of Mars

A group of amateur and professional astronomers have collaborated to create what may be the highest resolution global map of…

4 years ago

There Might Be Water On All Rocky Planets

If you asked someone who was reasonably scientifically literate how Earth got its water, they'd likely tell you it came…

4 years ago

One Mars Trojan asteroid has the same chemical signature as the Earth’s moon

Mars has a trojan asteroid that could be a captured rock from the surface of the Moon.

4 years ago

Astronauts and explorers on Mars could eat lab-grown steaks

Growing meat without the need to grow a whole animal has been the dream of agriculturalists and foodies everywhere for…

4 years ago

InSight’s ‘Mole’ is Now Completely buried!

It's been a long road for InSight's Mole. InSight landed on Mars almost two years ago, in November 2018. While…

4 years ago

Summer is Dust Devil Time on Mars

Just like Earth, Mars undergoes seasonal changes due to its axial tilt. And while summer heat on Mars can’t compare…

4 years ago

China’s Mars-bound Tianwen-1 Takes a Selfie

The CNSA (Chinese National Space Agency) has released an image of its Tianwen-1 spacecraft to coincide with the National Day…

4 years ago

This Martian Lava Tube Skylight is 50 Meters Across. The Biggest Lava Tube on Earth is Only 15 Meters Across

NASA's Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet when it reached Mars in late 1971. It got…

4 years ago