The ESA's Mars Express Orbiter is no stranger to the Martian moon Phobos. The spacecraft was launched in June 2003…
The Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) is a simulated Martian habitat in Utah. It's owned by the Mars Society, and…
Some landslides, both here on Earth and on Mars, behave in a puzzling way: They flow a lot further than…
When a huge dust storm on Mars—like the one in 2018—reaches its full power, it can turn into a globe-bestriding…
The Martian atmosphere is a lot different than Earth's. It's over 95% carbon dioxide, and contains only trace amounts of…
A researcher, whose work is supported by the ESA and NASA, has developed an idea for using bacteria to help…
NASA's Mars 2020 Rover is heading to Mars soon to look for fossils. The ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars rover is heading to…
An atmospheric drama has been playing out on Mars lately. Up until now, the main actor has been methane, and…
Back in November 2018, NASA announced that the Mars 2020 rover would land in the Jezero Crater. Jezero Crater is…
This is sad news. After finding what seemed like a solution to the Mole's difficulties on Mars, engineers are stymied…