
Newly Found Ancient Fossils Show Possibilities For Finding Martian Life

Fossils discovered in Greenland - which are 3.7 billion years old - are the oldest evidence of life on Earth…

8 years ago

Curiosity Rover Captures Full-Circle Panorama of Enticing ‘Murray Buttes’ on Mars

Four years after a nail biting touchdown on the Red Planet, NASA’s SUV-sized Curiosity rover is at last nearing the…

8 years ago

On The Origin Of Phobos’ Groovy Mystery

A new study offers a possible explanation for the strange surface features on Mars' moon of Phobos, which could help…

8 years ago

NASA Goes With Atlas V To Launch Mars 2020 Rover

NASA has taken a major step towards the launch of its Mars 2020 rover, which included awarding a launch services…

8 years ago

Sea Landed SpaceX Falcon 9 Sails Back into Port Canaveral: Gallery

PORT CANAVERAL, FL — Rocket recycling continues apace as the latest SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to successfully launch a payload…

8 years ago

5 Days, 2 Spectacular Conjunctions

Conjunctions of bright planets make for jewelry in the sky. This week, get ready for some celestial shimmer. If you've been…

8 years ago

NASA Successfully Test Fires Mars Mega Rocket Engine with Modernized ‘Brain’ Controller

NASA STENNIS SPACE CENTER, MISS - NASA engineers successfully carried out a key developmental test firing of an RS-25 rocket…

8 years ago

Did Cirrus Clouds Help Keep Early Mars Warm & Wet?

The presence of cirrus clouds in the early Martian atmosphere may have helped it stay warm enough for liquid water.

8 years ago

Major Overhaul of VAB for NASA’s SLS Mars Rocket Reaches Halfway Point With Platform Installation

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - A major overhaul of the iconic Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) readying it for launches of…

8 years ago

HiRISE Drops 1,000 Stunning New Mars Images For Your Viewing Pleasure

We frequently call the HiRISE camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter "our favorite camera" and for good reason. HiRISE,…

8 years ago