
NASA Mars Landing Craft Idea Is More Than Just Child’s Play

Assuming we can get humans all the way to Mars, how the heck do we land them on the Red…

10 years ago

Defining Life I: What are Astrobiologists Looking For?

How can astrobiologists find extraterrestrial life? In everyday life, we usually don’t have any problem telling that a dog or…

10 years ago

Making the Trip to Mars Cheaper and Easier: The Case for Ballistic Capture

When sending spacecraft to Mars, the current, preferred method involves shooting spacecraft towards Mars at full-speed, then performing a braking…

10 years ago

Student Team Wants to Terraform Mars Using Cyanobacteria

While scientists believe that at one time, billions of years ago, Mars had an atmosphere similar to Earth's and was…

10 years ago

The Top 101 Astronomical Events to Watch for in 2015

Phew! It’s here. Now in its seventh year of compilation and the second year running on Universe Today, we’re proud…

10 years ago

Meteoric Evidence Suggests Mars May Have a Subsurface Reservoir

It is a scientific fact that water exists on Mars. Though most of it today consists of water ice in…

10 years ago

Curiosity Mars Rover Stars In Discovery Television Documentary Tonight

For those following all the habitability results from the Curiosity rover lately, here's a special treat -- the Discovery Channel…

10 years ago

NASA’s Curiosity Rover detects Methane, Organics on Mars

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, NASA scientists attending the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco announced the detection…

10 years ago

Martian Teardrop: Here’s How The Sun Moves Over A Red Planet Year

Stand in the same spot every day. Take a picture of the Sun. What happens? Slowly, you see our closest…

10 years ago