
Moon Over Orion Heralds Start of NASA’s Human Road to Mars

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - This week’s appearance of the Moon over the Kennedy Space Center marks the perfect backdrop…

10 years ago

Beam Me Up, Mars! Uwingu Will Send 90,000 Radio Messages There Today

Maybe you can't climb on a rocketship to Mars, at least yet, but at the least you can get your…

10 years ago

‘Meteoric Smoke’: Comet Siding Spring Could Alter Mars Chemistry Permanently

Feeling lucky? Events such as the Comet Siding Spring approach by Mars in October only happen about once every eight…

10 years ago

Opportunity Mars Rover Pushes Past 41 Kilometers Of Driving On Red Planet

Opportunity is the rover that keeps on going and going. It recently broke an extraterrestrial driving record after 10 years…

10 years ago

Warm, Flowing Water on Mars Was Episodic, Study Suggests

Though the surface of Mars is a dry, dessicated and bitterly cold place today, it is strongly believed that the planet once…

10 years ago

Shortly After Mars Comet, NASA’s New Red Planet Spacecraft Officially Starts Mission

NASA's newest Mars spacecraft is "go" for at least a year -- and potentially longer. After taking a time-out from…

10 years ago

Curiosity Rover Snaps Photos of Comet Siding Spring, Giant Sunspot and Mars-shine

NASA's Curiosity Rover spends most of its time staring at the ground, but like humans, it looks up once in a while too.…

10 years ago

Comet Landing: Side-By-Side Pics Of Alien Surfaces Humanity Explored

Correction, 11:33 a.m. EST: The University of Central Florida's Phil Metzger points out that the image composition leaves out Eros,…

10 years ago

China Reveals Designs for Mars Rover Mission

For many space-faring nations, ambitions for Mars run broad and deep. Now, add China to the list of countries with…

10 years ago