1-in-75 Chance Of Tunguska-Size Impact On Mars


A 164-foot (50 meter) wide asteroid will be crossing the orbit of Mars at the end of January 2008. Currently, there is a 1-in-75 chance of the “Mars Crosser” hitting the Red Planet, and if it does, the 30,000 mile per hour speeding mass would generate a three megaton explosion (approximately the size of the terrestrial Tunguska impact over Siberia in 1908) and create a crater half-a-mile wide somewhere north of Meridiani Planum. So, the Mars Rover Opportunity will get a ringside seat should this once-in-a-thousand-year event occur…

NASA’s Near-Earth Object Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California reported this month that a known Near Earth Asteroid (NEO) will be crossing the path of Mars on January 30, 2008. This puts asteroid “2007 WD5” in a special group of asteroids: “Mars Crossers“. NASA’s Near Earth Object Observation Program (or “Spaceguard” program) is intended to track asteroids that come close to the orbit of Earth, but also provides data for any asteroids tracked near our planetary neighbors.

Scientists are both excited and concerned by the possibility of an impact on Mars. Whilst this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe an impact of this size on Mars (remember the excitement at Shoemaker-Levy hitting Jupiter in 1994?), this event would eject millions of tons of dust into the Mars atmosphere, interfering with the Mars Expedition Rovers, and hindering orbital imaging of the planet. The Phoenix mission (currently en-route) will undoubtedly be affected. Looking far into the future, this event could have serious consequences for manned exploration.

“Right now asteroid 2007 WD5 is about half-way between the Earth and Mars and closing the distance at a speed of about 27,900 miles per hour […] Over the next five weeks, we hope to gather more information from observatories so we can further refine the asteroid’s trajectory,” – Don Yeomans, manager of the NEO Office at JPL.

Although the odds are low, and the asteroid is expected to miss Mars by 30,000 km, asteroid hunters will be keeping a close eye on the progress of 2007 WD5 as it barrels closer and closer to the Red Planet and our robotic explorers.

Source: Near Earth Object Program

Maybe Sulfur Dioxide, Not Carbon Dioxide, Kept Mars Warm


Try to walk on Mars today, and the planet will simultaneously freeze and suffocate you. Not to mention the minimal air pressure and relentless radiation from space. But billions of years ago, the Red Planet was much warmer and liquid water flowed on its surface. Warm temperatures on Earth are maintained by the carbon cycle, but maybe another greenhouse gas – sulfur dioxide (SO2) – maintained the temperatures on Mars.

This is the hypothesis put forward by Harvard and MIT researchers, published in the December 21st edition of the journal Science.

Over millions of years on Earth, our climate has been controlled by the carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide is released from volcanoes, and then chemical reactions with silicate rocks on the Earth’s surface remove it back out of the atmosphere and turn it into limestone.

There are vast deposits of limestone on Earth; evidence that the carbon cycle has been going on for eons. But planetary geologists haven’t found any limestone on Mars. If the planet was kept warm, the limestone should be there.

Perhaps another greenhouse gas, sulfur dioxide – also released in vast quantities from volcanoes – kept the atmosphere warm. On Earth, sulfur dioxide is removed quickly from the atmosphere, since it’s even more reactive with silicate rocks than carbon dioxide.

“The sulfur dioxide would essentially preempt the role of carbon dioxide in surface weathering reactions,” says Itay Halevy, the first author of the report. “The presence of even a small amount of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere would contribute to the warmer climate, and also prevent limestone deposits from forming.”

So if this is true, sulfur minerals, and not limestone, should have formed in bodies of water. This may help to explain the surprising discovery the rovers have made that sulfur minerals are an abundant component of Martian soils.

With sulfur dioxide, the Martian oceans would have been much more acidic than Earth’s oceans. There might have been periods on Earth when our atmosphere was similar, and there could be similar periods when sulfur kept us warm too.

The similarities and differences of the two planets still have much to teach scientists.

Original Source: Harvard News Release

Mars at its Closest Approach


Okay, now you can tell your friends and family that Mars is making its closest approach, and not August like that annual hoax email that goes around. This image of Mars, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, was captured when the planet was only 88 million km (55 million miles) away from Earth. Their closest point occurs on December 18th at 1145 UTC (6:45 p.m. EST).

This close encounter between the Earth and Mars happens every 26 months. That’s because Earth makes more than two orbits for every one Martian trip around the Sun. As the Earth catches up with Mars in orbit, the planet brightens in our skies until it becomes one of the brightest objects we can see.

Since both Earth and Mars have elliptical orbits, the point of their closest approach changes from year to year. Back in 2003, when that closest approach between Earth and Mars actually happened, the two planets were 32 million km closer (20 million miles) than today. (Of course, Mars never looked as large as the Moon in the sky, it was always just a bright red star.)

The image attached to this story was made up of a series of photographs captured by Hubble over the last 36 hours. They were then stitched together on computer to make up this composite photograph.

The large triangular dark shape on Mars is Syrtis Major, and the region on the left is called Sinus Meridani. That’s roughly where NASA’s Opportunity rover is currently rolling across the Martian landscape.

When Hubble took this photograph, the planet was largely free of the dust storms that plagued the Mars rovers earlier this year. Although, you can see clouds near the northern and southern poles.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

The Spirit Rover’s Big Discovery


Amazingly, the two Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have been working diligently on the surface of the Red Planet for almost four years now. So far, Opportunity has grabbed most of the spotlight, finding evidence for past water on Mars within months after landing on the smooth plains of Meridiani Planum. While Spirit has been working just as hard, if not harder, climbing hills and traversing the rocky terrain of Gusev Crater, she hasn’t yet caused quite the stir that her twin has. But now, a recent discovery by Spirit at an area called Home Plate has researchers puzzling over a possible habitat for past microbial organisms.

What Spirit found is a patch of nearly pure silica, a main ingredient in window glass.

“This concentration of silica is probably the most significant discovery by Spirit for revealing a habitable niche that existed on Mars in the past,” said Steve Squyres, principal investigator for the rovers’ science payload.

The silica could have been produced from either a hot-spring type of environment or another type of environment called a fumarole, where acidic steam rises through cracks in the planet’s surface. On Earth, both of these types of environments teem with microbial life.

“The evidence is pointing most strongly toward fumarolic conditions, like you might see in Hawaii and in Iceland,” said Squyres. “Compared with deposits formed at hot springs, we know less about how well fumarolic deposits can preserve microbial fossils. That’s something needing more study here on Earth.”

Squyres said the patch that Spirit has been studying is more than 90 percent silica, and that there aren’t many ways to explain such a high concentration. One way is to selectively remove silica from the native volcanic rocks and concentrate it in the deposits Spirit found. Hot springs can do that, dissolving silica at high heat and then dropping it out of solution as the water cools. Another way is to selectively remove almost everything else and leave the silica behind. Acidic steam at fumaroles can do that. Scientists are still assessing both possible origins.

One reason Squyres favors the fumarole story is that the silica-rich soil on Mars has an enhanced level of titanium. On Earth, titanium levels are relatively high in some fumarolic deposits.

Meanwhile both rovers are hunkering down for another winter season on Mars. Spirit’s solar panels are currently coated with dust from the huge dust storm the rovers endured this summer, and Spirit will need to conserve energy in order to survive the low light levels during the winter.

“The last Martian winter, we didn’t move Spirit for about seven months,” said John Callas, project manager for the rovers. “This time, the rover is likely to be stationary longer and with significantly lower available energy each Martian day.”

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for another solar panel cleaning windstorm event, which has happened previously, giving the rovers a boost in power.

Original News Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory News Release

Building Blocks of Life Can Form on Cold, Rocky Planets — Anywhere


Our old friend and headline-maker is back in the news. Meteorite ALH84001 — the Mars rock that sent the world of astrobiology into a tizzy back in 1996 — hasn’t been just sitting around collecting dust. Researchers have been re-examining the famous meteorite in an effort to learn more about the early history of Mars. Not only did ALH84001 help determine that the building blocks of life actually did form on early Mars, but also that those same building blocks have the potential to form on a cold rocky planet anywhere in the Universe.

The meteorite, found in the Alan Hills region of Antarctica, grabbed the headlines over 11 years ago when scientists claimed to have found the remains of bacteria-like life forms within the rock from Mars. The claims have been hotly debated, with both sides still holding firm in their convictions.

But scientists at the Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory took the research into ALH84001 a step further, and have shown for the first time that building blocks of life formed on Mars early in its history. Organic compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen form the building blocks of all life here on Earth. Previously, some scientists thought that organic material in ALH84001 was brought to Mars by meteorite impacts, and others felt the material might have originated from ancient Martian microbes, while still others thought any organics in the rock probably were introduced after it arrived on Earth.

The Carnegie-led team made a comprehensive study of the ALH 84001 meteorite and compared the results with data from related rocks found on Svalbard, Norway. The Svalbard samples came from volcanoes that erupted in a freezing Arctic climate about 1 million years ago — possibly mimicking conditions on early Mars.

“Organic material occurs within tiny spheres of carbonate minerals in both the Martian and Earth rocks,â€? said Andrew Steele, lead author of the study. “We found that the organic material is closely associated with the iron oxide mineral magnetite, which is the key to understanding how these compounds formed.”

“The results of this study show that volcanic activity in a freezing climate can produce organic compounds,” said Hans E.F. Amundsen, a co-author in the study from Earth and Planetary Exploration Services. “This implies that building blocks of life can form on cold rocky planets throughout the Universe.”

The organic material in the Allan Hills meteorite may have formed during two different events. The first, similar to the Svalbard samples, was during rapid cooling of fluids on Mars. A second event produced organic material from carbonate minerals during impact ejection of ALH84001 from Mars.

“Our finding sets the stage for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission in 2009,” said Steele, who is a member of the Sample Analysis on Mars (SAM) instrument team onboard MSL. “We now know that Mars can produce organic compounds. Part of the mission’s goal is to identify organic compounds, their sources, and to detect molecules relevant to life. We know that they are there. We just have to find them.”

This makes the MSL mission all the more exciting and anticipated. And perhaps the team of scientists who made the claims about microbes in ALH 84001 back in 1996 have something to strengthen their case.

Original News Source: Carnegie Institution For Science Press Release

Future Mars Explorers Might Only See the Planet from Orbit


When the first humans travel to Mars, the journey will be dangerous. Perhaps the most dangerous part will be the landing; the thin Martian atmosphere makes it extremely difficult to slow down a heavy spacecraft carrying humans. To minimize the danger, the first missions to Mars might not have people land on the surface at all. Instead, they might orbit the Red Planet, and control virtual robots working down below. Just imagine how much science Martian rovers controlled by humans could get done, all from the safety of orbit – at a fraction of the cost of actually setting foot on the planet.

“It is a cheaper, simpler, and safer way to explore, and hence it will be a faster way to explore. Virtual exploration will have the excitement of being there, at a fraction of the price, ” Dr. Landis wrote in a paper titled, Teleoperation from Mars orbit: A proposal for human exploration, published in the May 2007 issue of Acta Astronautica.

A mission to Mars using teleoperation would involve robots landed on the surface which would be controlled directly by astronauts in a spacecraft orbiting the planet. The robots would be more sophisticated than current rovers, with hands and bodies that would mimic the movements of a human being, thus allowing the operator to control the robot using a virtual reality interface. The current lag between the commands from the Earth and their reception by the rovers on Mars can be several minutes, but an orbiter controlling the robots would experience almost no delay at all.

Unlike humans, the Robonauts wouldn’t need a habitat on the surface, and could be left there. They could also be equipped with a large variety of scientific equipment, and wouldn’t need to rest, making the exploration of the surface faster and more efficient.

Sure, it seems a little silly to send humans all the way out to Mars without actually landing them on the surface, but doing so poses many challenges that are eliminated by a teleoperation mission. To design and provide fuel for a vehicle to land on the surface, and then take off, is very expensive both in terms of weight and money.

We still don’t know if there is life on the surface of Mars, so being very careful not to contaminate the surface with Earth microbes is also important. Any missions that land on the surface have the potential of leaving life from our own planet there, making it difficult to later determine the origin of life on Mars – if any exists – and Earth microbes could possibly wipe out any Martian life.

Also, the effect potential life on Mars could have on human beings is unknown, so it is better to be safe than risk the lives of astronauts through exposure to possibly harmful alien life.

Teleoperated missions would expand the areas of Mars that could be explored, since the issue of safety is not as much of concern when using robots.

“Landing sites for a human mission are likely to be scientifically “boring” sites, featuring flat surfaces with an absence of boulders, cliffs, channels, craters or mountains. Use of telerobots lowers risk, and thereby allows dangerous exploration,” Dr. Landis wrote.

Teleoperation wouldn’t be the end, of Mars exploration, though; it’s merely a step towards landing humans on the planet to ensure the safety of astronauts and gain better information on how to conduct future missions.

Source: Acta Astronautica

NASA’s Spirit Rover, Seen from Above


Just in case you needed more evidence that yes, there are robots from Earth roving around on Mars, check out this photograph. Okay, so it’s a little blurry, and you wouldn’t actually know what you were looking at unless I told you. That’s NASA’s Spirit rover, photographed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The blue diamond-shaped feature in the image is “Home Plate”; a puzzling region located inside the massive Gusev Crater on Mars. Spirit is a tiny dark grey speck inside Home Plate? See it? No, ah well, we’ll just have to trust the imaging folks over at NASA and the University of Arizona.

This colour image of Spirit was captured on September 27th by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. During this period it was flying about 270 km (168 miles) above the surface of the planet.

Although you really can’t see too much of Spirit, the image helps planetary geologists put data sent back by Spirit into context.

Spirit is now driving itself to a safe, north-facing slope on the north side of Home Plate. This will position its solar panels towards the Sun, so that it can soak up as much of the Sun’s light as possible during the long Martian winter. This will let the rover continue its science operations.

Original Source: UA News Release

Have a Very Martian Christmas


There will never be a better time to ask Santa for a telescope than this Christmas! Over the last few weeks the planet Mars has doubled in brightness… and for every minute that passes… Earth and Mars get about 590 kilometers closer! Closer, that is, until December 18 when our separation will be about 88.5 million kilometers apart.

Like a cosmic present, the Red Planet will reach opposition on December 24 when it will be exactly opposite the Earth from the Sun and visible from dusk til’ dawn. At around twice the size of Luna and over 230 times further away, Mars will never appear as large as the Full Moon, but it will outshine the rest of the stars in the sky for a short time. What a wonderful holiday treat for even a small backyard telescope!

Don’t be disappointed if the view doesn’t look like a Hubble image. The average telescope will reveal Mars’ soft orange globe, dark mottling and a wink of a polar cap with steady seeing. You might even spot the blue-tinged haze of a carbon-dioxide atmosphere. If you view Mars on several different occasions at various times, you’ll soon learn to spot surface markings. Remember to be patient!

The best views come during a moment of steady seeing and too much magnification can harm the view. Some good advice is to wait until Mars is reaching culmination (its highest point) and make sure your telescope has reached outdoor temperature. Begin with the lowest magnification possible and work your way up to what the sky will allow. Don’t just take a peek and walk away! Stay and watch for awhile…

Sketching is a good way to train your eye to see more details and provides you with your own observing record to compare with photographs of features. Try using great on-line interactive tools like this one from Sky & Telescope, Mars: Which Side Is Visible?

SkyWatchers aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the Mars’ approach! In August 2007 NASA launched the Phoenix Lander and its due to reach Mars in May 2008 where it will join Spirit and Opportunity. When you look at Mars, think of what the future might bring! Less than four decades ago, mankind made the monumental achievement of standing on the lunar surface in around three days.

Now missions like the Mars Pathfinder arrive at an even more distant world in seven months. According to NASA, mankind will soon be heading to the Moon “for extended periods of time, astronauts will search for resources and learn how to work safely in a harsh environment — stepping stones to future exploration.” To Mars; “Robotic missions have found evidence of a watery past, suggesting that simple life forms may have developed long ago and may persist beneath the surface today. Human exploration could provide answers to some profound questions.” and Beyond; “As humans and robots work together exploring the moon and Mars, NASA spacecraft will continue to send back scientific data from throughout the solar system, laying the groundwork for potential human journeys.”

Perhaps one day future astronauts will be wishing us a “Very Martian Christmas”!

New Images of the Martian Moons: Phobos and Deimos


With a fleet of spacecraft orbiting Mars, and rovers crawling across its surface, there’s a flood of images of the Red Planet. It’s nice to know the scientists working on those missions can take the time to look elsewhere every now and then. So today, let me present to you some images of the Martian moons: Phobos and Deimos.

The two images of the Martian moons were captured by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars on board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Both images were captured while spacecraft was over Mars’ night side, and the ground below was dark.

In order to reorient away from Mars to view the moons, MRO had to turn off its normal nadir-viewing geometry.

The image of Phobos (on the top) was captured on October 23, and shows features as small as 400 metres (1320 feet) across. The image of Deimos was captured on June 7, and shows features as small as 1.3 km (0.8 miles) across.

Phobos is only 21 km (13 miles) across, and orbits Mars once every 7 days, 39 minutes. Because the moon orbits Mars faster than it rotates, Phobos would appear to travel backwards across the sky from an observer on the ground. This is just an illusion, though. Even though it’s tiny, Phobos orbits so closely that it would appear to be 1/3rd the size of our own moon in the sky.

Deimos is even smaller – 12 km (7.5 miles) – but it orbits more distantly than Phobos. It takes 1 day, 6 hours and 17 minutes to orbit the planet. Deimos isn’t large enough that you could make out any features from the surface of Mars. Instead, it would just look like a bright star in the night sky.

The first ever spacecraft observations of the Martian moons were made by Mariner 9 and the Viking Orbiter spacecraft. They found the moons to have very low reflectivity, and appeared to be similar in structure to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. This led to the commonly held view that the moons are captured asteroids.

Original Source: MRO News Release

Meteorites Reveal Mars’ Past: Molten Surface, Thick Atmosphere


If Mars ever had water flowing on its surface, as the many canyons and riverbed-like features on the Red Planet seem to indicate, it also would have needed a thicker atmosphere than what encircles that planet today. New research has revealed that Mars did indeed have a thick atmosphere for about 100 million years after the planet was formed. But the only thing flowing on Mars’ surface at that time was an ocean of molten rock.

A study of Martian meteorites found on Earth shows that Mars had a magma ocean for millions of years, which is surprisingly long, according to Qing-Zhu Yin, assistant professor of geology at the University of California- Davis. For such a persistent event, a thick atmosphere had to blanket Mars to allow the planet to cool slowly.

Meteorites called shergottites were studied to document volcanic activities on Mars between 470 million and 165 million years ago. These rocks were later thrown out of Mars’ gravity field by asteroid impacts and delivered to Earth — a free “sample return mission” as the scientists called it — accomplished by nature.

By precisely measuring the ratios of different isotopes of neodymium and samarium, the researchers could measure the age of the meteorites, and then use them to work out what the crust of Mars was like billions of years before that. Previous estimates for how long the surface remained molten ranged from thousands of years to several hundred million years.

The research was conducted by the Lunar and Planetary Institute, UC Davis and the Johnson Space Center.

Planets form by dust and rocks coming together to form planetisimals, and then these small planets collide together to form larger planets. The giant collisions in this final phase would release huge amounts of energy with nowhere to go except back into the new planet. The rock would turn to molten magma and heavy metals would sink to the core of the planet, releasing additional energy. The molten mantle eventually cools to form a solid crust on the surface.

Although Mars appears to no longer be volcanically active, NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor Spacecraft discovered that the Red Planet hasn’t completely cooled since its formation 4.5 billion years ago. Data from MGS in 2003 indicated that Mars’ core is made either of entirely liquid iron, or it has a solid iron center surrounded by molten iron.

Original News Source: UC Davis Press Release