milky way

ESA’s Gaia Mission Launches to Map the Milky Way

Early this morning, at 09:12 UTC, the cloudy pre-dawn sky above the coastal town of Kourou, French Guiana was brilliantly…

11 years ago

Anybody Want A Peanut? New Model Shows Tasty Orbital Shapes In Milky Way’s Bulge

Remember that 3-D map of the Milky Way that postulated that the center of the galaxy is shaped like a…

11 years ago

Incredible Astrophoto: Deep and Wide View of the Milky Way

This new panorama of the Milky Way by astrophotographer Miguel Claro is really amazing, and you definitely want to click…

11 years ago

Best Evidence Yet for a High-Energy Jet Emanating from the Milky Way’s Black Hole

Jets of high energy particles emanating from a black hole have been detected plenty of times before, but in other…

11 years ago

Sgr A* Could Be a Relic of a Powerful AGN

The early universe was sizzling with active galactic nuclei (AGN) — intensely luminous cores powered by supermassive black holes — most…

11 years ago

What is the Milky Way?

When you look up at the night sky, assuming conditions are just right, you might just catch a glimpse of…

11 years ago

What Are The Odds Of Spotting A Milky Way Supernova From Earth?

An exploding star in our home galaxy might be visible to Earth in the next 50 years, astronomers say in…

11 years ago

Astrophoto: Too Many Stars to Count

Here's a beautiful view of the Milky Way arching through the sky over the Isle of Wight, an island just…

11 years ago

‘Light Echos’ Reveal Old, Bright Outbursts Near Milky Way’s Black Hole

How's that for a beacon? NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has tracked down evidence of at least a couple of past…

11 years ago

Masked Starbirth Mapped In New Milky Way Survey

Stars are born in private. Hidden in dust and gas clouds, these bright beacons in the universe slowly coalesce. All…

11 years ago