
Tiny Cubesat Will Shine an Infrared ‘Flashlight’ Into the Moon’s Shadowed Craters, Searching for Water Ice

A tiny spacecraft is ready to head out for a big job: shining a light on water ice at the…

2 years ago

Artemis I has Completed its First Flyby of the Moon

The Orion spacecraft made its first close flyby of the Moon on Monday, November 21, coming as close as 81…

2 years ago

JAXA’s Ambitious Mission to Phobos Will Even Have European-Built Rover

Japan and Germany have a history of collaboration in scientific and technological endeavours. The countries have a Joint Committee on…

2 years ago

The Future of Mars Exploration Belongs to Helicopters

Even though there's no firm date for a Mars sample return mission, the Perseverance rover is busy collecting rock samples…

2 years ago

Edward Stone Has Been the Voyagers’ Project Scientist for 50 Years. He Just Retired

Edward Stone is retiring after 50 years as Project Scientist for the Voyager mission. The twin spacecraft revolutionized our understanding…

2 years ago

When Should Robots Take Risks Exploring Other Worlds?

Researchers from the CMU's Robotic Institute have developed a new method that allows rovers to autonomously weigh risk against the…

2 years ago

Lucy Took This Picture of Earth as it was Making its Gravity Assist Maneuver

We may take it for granted, but every day we receive picture postcards from the robotic travelers we have sent…

2 years ago

Phew, NASA’s CAPSTONE is no Longer Tumbling in Space

Engineers with the trouble-plagued CAPSTONE mission to the Moon have made progress in stabilizing the spacecraft. A month ago, the…

2 years ago

After Getting Slammed by DART, Asteroid Dimorphos has Grown a Tail

More images and details keep coming in about the asteroid intentionally smashed by NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft…

2 years ago

A Single High-Resolution Image of Dimorphos Stacked From DART’s Final Images

Here’s a sharper view of Dimorphos, the small asteroid moonlet that the DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft intentionally crashed…

2 years ago