
This is a Dust Avalanche on Mars

For decades, scientists have observed dark landslides called slope streaks on Mars. First seen by the Viking orbiters in the…

2 years ago

A Magnetic Bubble Could Protect Astronauts From Dangerous Space Radiation

Humans have long dreamed of setting foot on Mars or beyond, and the advances by companies like SpaceX and Blue…

2 years ago

Which Parts of Mars are the Safest From Cosmic Radiation?

In a new study, an international team examines Mars' radiation environment and determined that the best place to build an…

2 years ago

Eight Missions are Getting Extensions, Most Exciting: OSIRIS-REx is Going to Asteroid Apophis

NASA has granted mission extensions to eight different planetary missions, citing the continued excellent operations of the spacecraft, but more…

2 years ago

It’s Been Three Months in Deep Space, and Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument is Still Cooling Down

The James Webb Space Telescope continues to cool down out at its location at Lagrange Point 2, about 1.5 million…

2 years ago

Now That is a Big Rocket. Space Launch System Rolls out to the Launch pad for a Series of Tests

Under the full Moon, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket rolled out to the launchpad for the first time. The…

3 years ago

Strange Terraces on Mars are a Clear Signal of Sedimentary Rock

If we’ve learned anything about Mars the past 2-3 decades from the various rovers, landers and orbiters we’ve sent to…

3 years ago

There’s a Big Rock Stuck Inside one of Perseverance’s Wheels

It looks like the Perseverance rover has an unwanted passenger, a rock stuck inside one of its wheels. The image…

3 years ago

Germany’s Space Agency Cancels all its Projects With Russia. They Even Turned off an Instrument on a Russian Space Telescope

Germany is flexing its muscles. The German government recently announced a massive increase in military spending to counter Russian military…

3 years ago

The Europa Clipper is Coming Together, Launching in 2024

Who is excited to send a spacecraft to Europa? Every person I’ve talked to who is even remotely interested in…

3 years ago