
How Would We Do Surgery in Space?

Any mission to Mars requires deeper planning than missions to the ISS or the Moon. Based purely on the length…

4 years ago

That’s So Metal. NASA’s Psyche Mission is Now Under Construction

In August of 2022, NASA will send a robotic spacecraft to the Main Asteroid Belt to explore a truly unique…

4 years ago

Although InSight’s Mole is Completely Buried, it Might be Stuck Again

You've gotta hand it to NASA, and to the German Aerospace Center (DLR.) They've been struggling for over a year…

4 years ago

China’s Mars Rover Launches in Late July

In July there's another launch window to Mars. It looks like China is ready to take advantage of it, by…

4 years ago

Rovers Will be Starting to Make Their Own Decisions About Where to Search for Life

We all know how exploration by rover works. The rover is directed to a location and told to take a…

4 years ago

If You Could See in X-rays, This is What the Universe Would Look Like

X-ray astronomy helps scientists study neutron stars, binary star systems, and supernova remnants, and even helps detect black holes. But…

4 years ago

NASA Thinks it’s Time to Return to Neptune With its Trident Mission

Is it time to head back to Neptune and its moon Triton? It might be. After all, we have some…

4 years ago

Rocks on Bennu are Cracking Because of the Constant Day/Night Cycling

Asteroid Bennu is blanketed by rocks and huge boulders. And now that the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is taking a close look…

4 years ago

Finally! Mars InSight’s Mole is Now Underground

It looks like the InSight Lander's Mole instrument is making some progress. After months of perseverance, the team operating the…

4 years ago

OSIRIS-REx Will Collect a Sample from Bennu on October 20th

The date is finally set for OSIRIS-REx's sampling maneuver. The spacecraft has been at asteroid Bennu since the end of…

4 years ago