
Incredible Descent Video of the Chinese Lander to the Lunar Far Side

On January 2nd, 2019, China's Chang'e-4 lander made a successful landing on the far side of the Moon. The China…

6 years ago

InSight Just Placed its Seismometer onto the Surface of Mars to Listen for Marsquakes

NASA's InSight lander has deployed its first instrument on the surface of Mars. On December 19th, the stationary lander used…

6 years ago

Mercury-Bound BepiColombo is About to Start Using the Most Powerful Ion Engines Ever Sent to Space

A handful of spacecraft have used ion engines to reach their destinations, but none have been as powerful as the…

6 years ago

Building Gas Stations and McMurdo Scale Outposts on the Moon

When you go on a camping trip, when is it really tough? When are you really roughing it? It is…

6 years ago

OSIRIS-REx has Finally Caught up with Asteroid Bennu. Let the Analysis and Sample Collection Commence!

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has reached its destination and is now in orbit around asteroid Bennu. The spacecraft travelled for over…

6 years ago

India Shows off the Spacesuit its Astronauts Will be Using in 2022

At the recent Bengaluru Space Expo in India, the ISRO unveiled the spacesuit that it's astronauts will wear during the…

6 years ago

As the Martian Dust Storm Subsides, There’s Still No Word From Opportunity

The Martian dust storm that has been raging for months finally appears to be subsiding, though it will still be…

6 years ago

NASA Has Awarded a Contract to Study Flying Drones on Venus

NASA recently partnered with the Boulder-based drone company Black Swift to create an unmanned aerial system to explore Venus' cloud…

6 years ago

A Powerful Dust Storm Has Darkened the Skies Over Opportunity on Mars

A massive Martian dust storm has settled in over the Opportunity rover's location in the Perseverance Valley, which could pose…

6 years ago

Two Spacecraft Will Get Closer to the Sun Than Ever Before

Two upcoming missions - NASA's Parker Solar Probe and the ESA's Solar Orbiter - will get closer to the Sun…

6 years ago