
NASA Tests Orion’s Fate During Parachute Failure Scenario

What would happen to the astronaut crews aboard NASA’s Orion deep space capsule in the event of parachute failures in…

9 years ago

‘One Direction’ Heads to Space in new NASA Themed Music Video – ‘Drag Me Down’

https://youtu.be/Jwgf3wmiA04 When it comes to space exploration it’s resoundingly clear that rock band ‘One Direction’ is headed in the right…

9 years ago

Indian Mars Orbiter Shoots Spectacular New Images of Sheer Canyon and Curiosity’s Crater

India’s space agency has released a spectacular new batch of images taken by everyone’s favorite MOM - the Mars Orbiter…

9 years ago

Spectacular Celestial Fireworks Commemorate Perihelion Passage of Rosetta’s Comet

Sequence of OSIRIS narrow-angle camera images from 12 August 2015, just a few hours before the comet reached perihelion. Credits:…

9 years ago

Dramatic Outburst at Rosetta’s Comet Just Days Before Perihelion

A comet on a comet? That's what it looks like, but you're witnessing the most dramatic outburst ever recorded at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the…

9 years ago

Mysterious Bright Spots and Pyramidal Mountain Star in Dawn’s Daunting Flyover of Ceres: Video

https://youtu.be/Inc9BtRip04 Video caption: Take a tour of weird Ceres! Visit a 2-mile-deep crater and a 4-mile-tall mountain in the video…

9 years ago

Kirk, Spock and Sulu Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before — Charon!

A big smile. That was my reaction to seeing the names of Uhura, Spock, Kirk and Sulu on the latest…

9 years ago

Curiosity Discovers Mars Rock Like None Before, Sets Drill Campaign

On the eve of the 3rd anniversary since her nail biting touchdown inside Gale Crater, NASA’s car sized Curiosity Mars…

9 years ago