
25 Years Since Voyager’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’ Images

A quarter of a century has passed since NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft snapped the iconic image of Earth known as…

10 years ago

The Number of Asteroids We Could Visit and Explore Has Just Doubled

There’s a famous line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet that says “There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are…

10 years ago

You’ve Never Seen the Phases of the Moon from This Perspective: The Far Side

Sometimes, it seems to be a cosmic misfortune that we only get to view the universe from a singular vantage…

10 years ago

Rosetta to Snuggle Up to Comet 67P for Closest Encounter Yet

Who doesn't like to snuggle up with their Valentine on Valentine's Day? Rosetta will practically whisper sweet nothings into 67P's…

10 years ago

NASA Launches Revolutionary Earth Science Satellite Measuring Soil Moisture Cycle

NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory, on a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket, is seen after the mobile…

10 years ago

Latest Research Reveals a Bizarre and Vibrant Rosetta’s Comet

We've subsisted for months on morsels of information coming from ESA's mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Now, a series of scientific papers in…

10 years ago

A Swirling Vortex at Venus’ South Pole

Here’s the latest view of the mass of swirling gas and clouds at Venus’ south pole. The Venus Express’s Visible…

10 years ago