
Solar ‘Bombs’ And Mini-Tornadoes Spotted By Sun-Watching Spacecraft

My, the Sun is a violent place. I mean, we knew that already, but there's even more evidence for that…

10 years ago

‘Death Star’ Ocean? Seven Moons That Could Host Huge Hidden Liquid Reservoirs

Could there be an ocean hidden somewhere in that Death Star-like picture? This is an image of Mimas, a moon…

10 years ago

Gallery: NASA Astronauts Spacewalk Boldly Into The Void, Finishing Vital Repairs

What a view! NASA's Reid Wiseman and Butch Wilmore spacewalked successfully yesterday (Oct. 15) for more than 6.5 hours, replacing…

10 years ago

Pluto Planning: Hubble Spots 3 Objects NASA Spacecraft Could Visit Next

Where could New Horizons visit after it flies by Pluto next year? NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is on the case.…

10 years ago

Ice Alert! Mercury’s Deposits Could Tell Us More About How Water Came To Earth

New pictures of water ice at Mercury's north pole -- the first such optical images ever -- could help scientists…

10 years ago

Gravity’s Magic: New Seafloor Map Shows Earth’s Uncharted Depths

Volcanoes! Seafloor spreading! Hidden ridges and mountains! These are the wonders being revealed in new maps of Earth's sea floor.…

10 years ago

NASA Solar Forecasting Takes A Hit As Sun-Gazing Spacecraft Stops Phoning Home

A NASA spacecraft has been out of radio contact for about two weeks, but the agency is still holding out…

10 years ago

Among the Martian Hills: Curiosity Rover Peers At Rocks Of Mount Sharp

After a couple of years of racing towards Mount Sharp (Aeolis Mons), now it's time for the Curiosity rover to…

10 years ago

Magical Images From Two Prolific Astronaut Tweeters Doing Their First Spacewalk

What happens when you send two prolific social media astronauts out on a spacewalk? The best photos ever. Reid Wiseman…

10 years ago