
How Humanity’s Next Moon Explorers Could Live In Lunar ‘Pits’

Just look at that new video from NASA showing the first moon landing site in three dimensions. It's tempting to…

10 years ago

Cygnus Commercial Resupply Ship ‘Janice Voss’ Berths to Space Station on 45th Apollo 11 Anniversary

Following a nearly three day journey, an Orbital Sciences Corp. Cygnus commercial cargo freighter carrying a ton and a half…

10 years ago

Ancient Snow Shaped A Martian Basin That’s Half The Size Of Brazil

Such great heights! A mountain chain peeks in the background of this new view of Hellas Basin, based on information…

10 years ago

Look Out, Pluto! Spacecraft Will Fly By In Less Than One Year

Countdown! Just under one year from now, the New Horizons will finally reach its mission goal after sailing through the…

10 years ago

Commercial Antares/Cygnus Rocket Loaded with Science for July 13 Virginia Launch – Watch Live

NASA WALLOPS FLIGHT FACILITY, VA - Following further weather delays this week Orbital Sciences Corp. commercial Antares rocket is at…

10 years ago

Rosetta’s Comet Looks Like A Kidney Flying Through Space

Up for a little abstract art, anyone? The latest images of the nucleus of Rosetta's comet makes it look like…

10 years ago

The Planetary Society’s Solar Sail Will Hitch a Ride to Space on a Falcon Heavy

In a live webcast, The Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye announced that its long-awaited LightSail solar sail mission will launch…

10 years ago

Antares Commercial Rocket Cleared for July 11 Space Station Blastoff Following Engine Re-Inspection

NASA WALLOPS FLIGHT FACILITY, VA - The long delayed liftoff of an Orbital Sciences Corp. commercial Antares rocket on a…

10 years ago