
Curiosity Crosses Dingo Gap Dune – Gateway to ‘Moonlight Valley’ and Mountain Destinations Beyond

Curiosity scans Moonlight Valley beyond Dingo Gap Dune. Curiosity’s view to “Moonlight Valley” beyond after crossing over ‘Dingo Gap’ sand…

11 years ago

Milky Way-Mapping Telescope Nabs Its First Pictures In Space

From a lonely outpost in space, the European Space Agency's Gaia telescope is getting ready to map out the Milky…

11 years ago

Mariner 10: Best Venus Image and 1st Ever Planetary Gravity Assist – 40 Years Ago Today

Exactly 40 Years ago today on Feb. 5, 1974, Mariner 10, accomplished a history making and groundbreaking feat when the…

11 years ago

NASA Extends LADEE Dust Explorer for Bonus Lunar Science

Depiction of NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) observatory as it approaches lunar orbit.Credit: NASA Ames/Dana Berry LADEE…

11 years ago

Close Encounters of the Lunar Kind – LRO images LADEE

This dissolve animation compares the LRO image (geometrically corrected) of LADEE captured on Jan 14, 2014 with a computer-generated and…

11 years ago

Video: These Children from Greece (and Poland) Helped Wake Up the Rosetta Spacecraft

The European Space Agency asked for help in waking up the Rosetta spacecraft from 31 months of deep-space hibernation, and…

11 years ago

NEOWISE Spots Mars-Crossing Comet

One of the big ticket astronomical events of 2014 will be the close passage of Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring past…

11 years ago

Trailer: New Horizons Gets Ready to Meet Pluto

Less than a year from now, the New Horizons spacecraft will begin its encounter with Pluto. While closest approach is…

11 years ago

The Difficulties of Operating a Rover on Mars for 10 Years

Want to get an engineer excited? Give them a challenge. And the Opportunity rover has provided plenty of challenges in…

11 years ago